Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Heart of Darkness, Hollow Men, and Apocalypse Now Essay

Similarities between Heart of Darkness, Hollow Men, and Apocalypse Now In todays literary world there are many different texts that have interlocking literary meaning through their references to one another and to other works. I am going to compare and draw similarities between T.S. Eliot’s The Hollow Men, Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, and Francis Ford Coppolas Apocalypse Now. These three sources have many different references to one another in different ways. In T.S. Eliots The Hollow Men, he begins the poem with the title and underneath the title he uses the famous line Mistah Kurtz- he dead from Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness. This famous line is said by one of the servants about Mr. Kurtz who dies and all†¦show more content†¦In Heart of Darkness Kurtz is this European man who leaves Europe with an empty idealism which collapsed under the force of the savage and barbaric darkness. He visits the Congo and is transformed into this man of the jungle. The character of Kurtz is similar in Apocalypse Now; he is a highly decorated general in the vietnam war and Kurtz goes into the jungle leading him to turn into a man of the jungle. Mr. Kurtz one day loses it and goes crazy. He goes off into the jungles of Vietnam and starts terrorizing villages with his crazy actions and beliefs. In Coppolas Apocalypse Now there is a scene where Mr. Kurtz is reading T.S. Eliots The Hollow Men. Coppola has Kurtzs character read this poem because it is basically saying that his society of the jungle is not turning out the way he wanted it to. Shortly after he reads the poem, Kurtz asks Captain Willard to kill him because of the failure of his society. Kurtz reads the opening stanza of Eliots poem. In this stanza it is talking about the hollow men and how they are stuffed with straw. Coppola uses this significant stanza because KurtzÕs followers are very similar to these hollow men. In the first stanza it says that the hollow men are shape without form, shade without colour, paralysed force, gesture without motion. It is also true with Kurtzs people; they are basically nothing and have no direction. Kurtzs followers are very similar to the hollowShow MoreRelated Discussing Heart Of Darkness, The Hollow Men, and Apocalypse Now1263 Words   |  6 PagesRelationship between Heart Of Darkness, The Hollow Men, and Apocalypse Now      Ã‚   The Hollow Men is a poem by T.S. Eliot who won the Nobel Prize in 1948 for all his great accomplishments. The Hollow Men is about the hollowness that all people have; while Heart of Darkness is a story of the darkness that all people have. The poem written by Eliot was greatly influenced by Conrad and Dante. Some people may even think that WWI also influenced it. It was written after World War I and could be describingRead MoreHuman Nature And The Desire For Superiority1565 Words   |  7 Pagespast. In the film Apocalypse Now, the novella the Heart of Darkness, and the poem The Hollow Men, it is shown how the desire for power can impose negative impacts not only a civilization, but to the pursuer of that power as well. Containing so much power can bring out the best in people, and at most times, it can bring out the worst. However, many people wonder how is it that a civilization just allows a group of people or a person to dominate them without a fight. The Hollow Men are a part of a societyRead MoreEssay The Bright Side of the Darkness549 Words   |  3 Pagesbe done easily, but sometimes dwelling on the negative can yield its own benefits. The individuals of Apocalypse Now, Heart of Darkness, and The Hollow Men, encounter moments were they have episodes of hardship and choose a positive outlook over a negative view. A synonym for positive is progressive. Acknowledging the accomplished helps one to refocus on the problem at hand. 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Both pieces follow the same story line but they are presented in differentRead MoreEssay on heart of darkness1844 Words   |  8 Pages Various parallels can be drawn when comparing and contrasting Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness and Frank Coppolas quot;Apocalypse Nowquot;, while taking into consideration Heart of Darkness is a novella and quot;Apocalypse Nowquot; is a film. These differences and similarities can be seen in themes, characters, events and other small snippets of information including anything from quoted lines to strange actions of the main characters. Both pieces follow the same story line but they are presentedRead More Searching For Meaning in Apocalypse Now Essay1418 Words   |  6 PagesSearching For Meaning in Apocalypse Now Francis Ford Coppolas film Apocalypse Now takes the audience into a tense and mystical journey through the Vietnam War. This long and agonizing journey is seen through the eyes of Captain Willard played by Martin Sheen. Sheen. Captain Willard is assigned to a mission that relies on him to assassinate Colonel Kurtz, who is played by Marlon Brando. Although Apocalypse Now is an examination of the many terrors of society that are connected to the VietnamRead MoreA Renewed Sense Of Hopelessness : American Sentiment Following The Vietnam War1395 Words   |  6 PagesMy project is titled â€Å"A Renewed Sense of Hopelessness: American Sentiment Following the Vietnam War.† Since I’m interested in studying how film actively molded Americans’ interpretation of the Vietnam War, I picked Francis Ford Coppola’s film, Apocalypse Now, as my artifact. I thought that it would be a good choice because it’s one of the most well-known war films and it came out just a few years after the Vietnam War. 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The Kurtz in the movie however is an American colonel who broke away from the American army and decided to hide away in Cambodia, upon seeing the reality of the Vietnam WarRead More Revealing the Heart of Darkness in Apocalypse Now Essay2178 Words   |  9 PagesRevealing the Heart of Darkness in Apocalypse Now Often a novel filmed as a movie departs from the original story, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.   However, many great works of literature have inspired movies, and served as the basis for a great film, even though the film may approach the literature in a different way. Such is the case with Francis Ford Coppolas Apocalypse Now, which was inspired by Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness.   Coppola and the screenwriter, John MileusRead MoreFilm Festival At Antelope Valley College3497 Words   |  14 Pageshad liked but upon second analysis, might not hold in such high regard. In the end the films I chose are Juno, High Noon, The King’s Speech, Exit Through the Gift Shop, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, and Apocalypse Now. The Lancaster and the Antelope Valley area in general is known for its’ highest Veterans per capita. The town frequently tips its’ hat to those who have served. The downtown strip is flagged with pictures and names of heroes past and present

Monday, December 16, 2019

Frostbite Chapter 18 Free Essays

Eighteen THE HIGH HEELS WERE STARTING to hurt me, so I took them off when I went back inside, walking barefoot through the lodge. I hadn’t been to Mason’s room, but I remembered him mentioning the number once and found it without difficulty. Shane, Mason’s roommate, opened the door a few moments after I knocked. We will write a custom essay sample on Frostbite Chapter 18 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Hey, Rose.† He stepped aside for me, and I walked in, peering around. Some infomercial was playing on the TV- one downside of a nocturnal life was a shortage of good programming- and empty soda cans covered nearly every flat surface. There was no sign of Mason anywhere. â€Å"Where is he?† I asked. Shane stifled a yawn. â€Å"I thought he was with you.† â€Å"I haven’t seen him all day.† He yawned again, then frowned in thought. â€Å"He was throwing some stuff in a bag earlier. I figured you guys were running off for some crazy romantic getaway. Picnic or something. Hey, nice dress.† â€Å"Thanks,† I murmured, feeling a frown of my own coming on. Packing a bag? That didn’t make any sense. There was nowhere to go. There was no way to go, either. This resort was as tightly guarded as the Academy. Lissa and I had only managed to break out of that place with compulsion, and it had still been a pain in the ass. Yet, why on earth would Mason pack a bag if he wasn’t leaving? I asked Shane a few more questions and decided to follow up on the possibility, crazy as it seemed. I found the guardian in charge of security and scheduling. He gave me the names of those guardians who’d been on duty around the resort’s borders when Mason had last been seen. Most of the names I knew, and most were off duty now, making them easy to find. Unfortunately, the first couple hadn’t seen Mason around today. When they asked why I wanted to know, I gave vague answers and hurried off. The third person on my list was a guy named Alan, a guardian who usually worked the Academy’s lower campus. He was just coming in after skiing, taking his equipment off near the door. Recognizing me, he smiled as I approached. â€Å"Sure, I saw him,† he said, bending down to his boots. Relief flooded over me. Until then, I hadn’t realized how worried I’d been. â€Å"Do you know where he is?† â€Å"Nope. Let him and Eddie Castile†¦and, what’s her name, the Rinaldi girl, out through the north gate and didn’t see them after that.† I stared. Alan continued unhooking his skis as though we were discussing slope conditions. â€Å"You let Mason and Eddie †¦ and Mia out?† â€Å"Yup.† â€Å"Um †¦ why?† He finished and looked back up at me, a kind of happy and bemused look on his face. â€Å"Because they asked me.† An icy feeling started creeping through me. I found out which guardian had watched the north gate with Alan and immediately sought him out. That guardian gave me the same response. He’d let Mason, Eddie, and Mia out, no questions asked. And, like Alan, he didn’t seem to think there was anything wrong with that. He appeared almost dazed. It was a look I’d seen before †¦ a look that came over people when Lissa used compulsion. In particular, I’d seen it happen when Lissa didn’t want people to remember something very well. She could bury the memory in them, either erasing it all together or planting it for later. She was so good at compulsion, though, that she could just make people forget completely. For them to still have some memories meant someone who wasn’t as good at compulsion had worked on them. Someone, say, like Mia. I wasn’t the fainting type, but for just a moment, I felt like I could keel over. The world spun, and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I could see again, my surroundings stayed stable. Okay. No problem. I would reason this out. Mason, Eddie, and Mia had left the resort earlier today. Not only that, they had done it by using compulsion- which was utterly forbidden. They hadn’t told anyone. They’d left through the north gate. I’d seen a map of the resort. The north gate guarded a driveway that connected to the only semi-major road in the area, a small highway that led to a little town about twelve miles away. The town Mason had mentioned that had buses. To Spokane. Spokane- where this traveling pack of Strigoi and their humans might be living. Spokane- where Mason could fulfill all his crazy dreams of slaying Strigoi. Spokane- which he only knew about because of me. â€Å"No, no, no,† I murmured to myself, almost running toward my room. There, I stripped off the dress and changed into heavy winter clothes: boots, jeans, and a sweater. Grabbing my coat and gloves, I hurried back toward the door and then paused. I was acting without thinking. What was I actually going to do? I needed to tell someone, obviously†¦but that would get the trio in a lot of trouble. It would also tip Dimitri off that I’d gone and gossiped about the Spokane Strigoi information he’d told me in confidence as a sign of respecting my maturity. I studied the time. It would take a while for anyone around the resort to know we were missing. If I could actually get out of the resort. A few minutes later, I found myself knocking on Christian’s door. He answered, looking sleepy and cynical as usual. â€Å"If you’ve come to apologize for her,† he told me loftily, â€Å"you can just go ahead and- â€Å" â€Å"Oh, shut up,† I snapped. â€Å"This isn’t about you.† Hastily, I relayed the details of what was going on. Even Christian didn’t have a witty response for that one. â€Å"So†¦Mason, Eddie, and Mia went to Spokane to hunt Strigoi?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Holy shit. Why didn’t you go with them? Seems like something you’d do.† I resisted the urge to smack him. â€Å"Because I’m not insane! But I’m going to go get them before they do something even stupider.† That was when Christian caught on. â€Å"And what do you need from me?† â€Å"I need to get off the resort’s property. They got Mia to use compulsion on the guards. I need you to do the same thing. I know you’ve practiced it.† â€Å"I have,† he agreed. â€Å"But†¦well†¦Ã¢â‚¬  For the first time ever, he looked embarrassed. â€Å"I’m not very good at it. And doing it on dhampirs is nearly impossible. Liss is a hundred times better than me. Or probably any Moroi.† â€Å"I know. But I don’t want her to get in trouble.† He snorted. â€Å"But you don’t mind if I do?† I shrugged. â€Å"Not really.† â€Å"You’re a piece of work, you know that?† â€Å"Yeah. I do, actually.† So, five minutes later, he and I found ourselves trekking out to the north gate. The sun was coming up, so most everyone was inside. This was a good thing, and I hoped it’d make our escape that much easier. Stupid, stupid, I kept thinking. This was going to blow up in our faces. Why had Mason done this? I knew he’d had this whole crazy vigilante attitude†¦and he’d certainly seemed upset that the guardians hadn’t done anything about the recent attack. But still. Was he really that unhinged? He had to know how dangerous this was. Was it possible†¦was it possible I’d upset him so much with the making-out disaster that he’d gone off the deep end? Enough to go do this and get Mia and Eddie to join him? Not that those two would be hard to convince. Eddie would follow Mason anywhere, and Mia was almost as gung ho as Mason to kill every Strigoi in the world. Yet, out of all the questions I had about this, one thing was definitely clear. I’d told Mason about the Strigoi in Spokane. Hands down, this was my fault, and without me, none of this would have happened. â€Å"Lissa always makes eye contact,† I coached Christian as we approached the exit. â€Å"And speaks in a really, like, calm voice. I don’t know what else. I mean, she concentrates a lot too, so try that. Focus on forcing your will on them.† â€Å"I know,† he snapped. â€Å"I’ve seen her do it.† â€Å"Fine,† I snapped back. â€Å"Just trying to help.† Squinting, I saw that only one guardian stood at the gate, a total stroke of luck. They were in between shifts. With the sun out, the risk of Strigoi had disappeared. The guardians would still continue in their duties, but they could relax just a bit. The guy on duty didn’t seem particularly alarmed by our appearance. â€Å"What are you kids doing out here?† Christian swallowed. I could see the lines of tension on his face. â€Å"You’re going to let us out of the gate,† he said. A note of nervousness made his voice tremble, but otherwise, he did a fair approximation of Lissa’s soothing tones. Unfortunately, it had no effect on the guardian. As Christian had pointed out, using compulsion on a guardian was nearly impossible. Mia had gotten lucky. The guardian grinned at us. â€Å"What?† he asked, clearly amused. Christian tried again. â€Å"You’re going to let us out.† The guy’s smile faltered just a little, and I saw him blink in surprise. His eyes didn’t glaze over in the same way Lissa’s victims did, but Christian had done enough to briefly enthrall him. Unfortunately, I could tell right then and there that it wouldn’t be enough to make him let us out and forget. Fortunately, I’d been trained to compel people without the use of magic. Sitting near his post was an enormous Maglite, two feet long and easily seven pounds. I grabbed the Maglite and clocked him on the back of the head. He grunted and crumpled to the ground. He’d barely seen me coming, and despite the horribleness of what I’d just done, I kind of wished one of my instructors had been there to grade me on such an awesome performance. â€Å"Jesus Christ,† exclaimed Christian. â€Å"You just assaulted a guardian.† â€Å"Yeah.† So much for getting the guys back without getting anyone in trouble. â€Å"I didn’t know just how much you sucked at compulsion. I’ll deal with the fallout later. Thanks for your help. You should head back before the next shift comes on.† He shook his head and grimaced. â€Å"No, I’m going with you on this.† â€Å"No,† I argued. â€Å"I only needed you to get through the gate. You don’t have to get in trouble over this.† â€Å"I’m already in trouble!† He pointed at the guardian. â€Å"He saw my face. I’m screwed either way, so I might as well help you save the day. Stop being a bitch for a change.† We hurried off, and I cast one last, guilty glance at the guardian. I was pretty sure I hadn’t hit him hard enough to cause real damage, and with the sun coming out, he wouldn’t freeze or anything. After about five minutes of walking down the highway, I knew we had a problem. Despite being covered and wearing sunglasses, the sun was taking its toll on Christian. It was slowing us down, and it wouldn’t take that long for someone to find the guardian I’d taken out and come after us. A car- not one of the Academy’s- appeared behind us, and I made a decision. I didn’t approve of hitchhiking in the least. Even someone like me knew how dangerous it was. But we needed to get to town fast, and I prayed Christian and I could take down any creepy stalker guy who tried to mess with us. Fortunately, when the car pulled over, it was just a middle-aged couple who looked more concerned than anything else. â€Å"You kids okay?† I jerked my thumb behind me. â€Å"Our car slid off the road. Can you take us to town so I can call my dad?† It worked. Fifteen minutes later, they dropped us off at a gas station. I actually had trouble getting rid of them because they wanted to help us so much. Finally, we convinced them we’d be fine, and we walked the few blocks over to the bus station. As I’d suspected, this town wasn’t much of a hub for real travel. Three lines serviced the town: two that went to other ski resorts and one that went to Lowston, Idaho. From Lowston, you could go on to other places. I’d half-hoped that we might beat Mason and the others before their bus came. Then we could have hauled them back without any trouble. Unfortunately, there was no sign of them. The cheery woman at the counter knew exactly who we were talking about, too. She confirmed that all three of them had bought tickets to Spokane by way of Lowston. â€Å"Damn it,† I said. The woman raised her eyebrows at my language. I turned to Christian. â€Å"You got money for the bus?† Christian and I didn’t talk much along the way, except for me to tell him he’d been an idiot about Lissa and Adrian. By the time we reached Lowston, I finally had him convinced, which was a minor miracle. He slept the rest of the way to Spokane, but I couldn’t. I just kept thinking over and over that this was my fault. It was late afternoon by the time we reached Spokane. It took a few people, but we finally found someone who knew the shopping center Dimitri had mentioned. It was a long ways from the bus station, but it was walkable. My legs were stiff after almost five hours of riding a bus, and I wanted the movement. The sun was a while from setting, but it was lower and less detrimental to vampires, so Christian didn’t mind the walk either. And, as often happened when I was in calm settings, I felt a tug into Lissa’s head. I let myself fall into her because I wanted to know what was happening back at the resort. â€Å"I know you want to protect them, but we need to know where they are.† Lissa sat on the bed in our room while Dimitri and my mom stared her down. It was Dimitri who had spoken. Seeing him through her eyes was interesting. She had a fond respect for him, very different from the intense roller coaster of emotions I always experienced. â€Å"I told you,† said Lissa, â€Å"I don’t know. I don’t know what happened.† Frustration and fear for us burned through her. It saddened me to see her so anxious, but at the same time, I was glad I hadn’t gotten her involved. She couldn’t report what she didn’t know. â€Å"I can’t believe they wouldn’t have told you where they were going,† said my mother. Her words sounded flat, but there were lines of worry on her face. â€Å"Especially with your†¦bond.† â€Å"It only works one way,† said Lissa sadly. â€Å"You know that.† Dimitri knelt down so he could be at Lissa’s height and look her in the eye. He pretty much had to do that to look anyone in the eye. â€Å"Are you sure there’s nothing? Nothing at all you can tell us? They’re nowhere in town. The man at the bus station didn’t see them †¦ though we’re pretty sure that’s where they must have gone. We need something, anything to go on.† Man at the bus station? That was another stroke of luck. The woman who’d sold us the tickets must have gone home. Her replacement wouldn’t know us. Lissa gritted her teeth and glared. â€Å"Don’t you think if I knew, I’d tell you? You don’t think I’m worried about them too? I have no idea where they are. None. And why’d they even leave†¦ it doesn’t make any sense either. Especially why they’d go with Mia, of all people.† A twinge of hurt flickered through the bond, hurt at being left out of whatever we were doing, no matter how wrong. Dimitri sighed and leaned back on his heels. From the look on his face, he obviously believed her. It was also obvious that he was worried- worried in more than a professional way. And seeing that concern- that concern for me- ate up my heart. â€Å"Rose?† Christian’s voice brought me back to myself. â€Å"We’re here, I think.† The plaza consisted of a wide, open area in front of a shopping center. A caf? ¦ was carved into a corner of the main building, its tables spilling out into the open area. A crowd moved in and out of the complex, busy even at this time of the day. â€Å"So, how do we find them?† asked Christian. I shrugged. â€Å"Maybe if we act like Strigoi, they’ll try to stake us.† A small, reluctant smile played over his face. He didn’t want to admit it, but he’d thought my joke was funny. He and I went inside. Like any mall, it was filled with familiar chains, and a selfish part of me thought that maybe if we found the group soon enough, we could still get in shopping time. Christian and I walked the length of it twice and saw no signs of our friends or anything resembling tunnels. â€Å"Maybe we’re in the wrong place,† I finally said. â€Å"Or maybe they are,† suggested Christian. â€Å"They could have gone to some other- wait.† He pointed, and I followed the gesture. The three renegades sat at a table in the middle of the food court, looking dejected. They looked so miserable, I almost felt sorry for them. â€Å"I’d kill for a camera right now,† said Christian, smirking. â€Å"This isn’t funny,† I told him, striding toward the group. Inside, I breathed a sigh of relief. The group clearly hadn’t found any Strigoi, were all still alive, and could maybe be taken back before we got in even more trouble. They didn’t notice me until I was almost right next to them. Eddie’s head jerked up. â€Å"Rose? What are you doing here?† â€Å"Are you out of your mind?† I yelled. A few people nearby gave us surprised looks. â€Å"Do you know how much trouble you’re in? How much trouble you’ve gotten us in?† â€Å"How the hell did you find us?† asked Mason in a low voice, glancing anxiously around. â€Å"You guys aren’t exactly criminal masterminds,† I told them. â€Å"Your informant at the bus station gave you away. That, and I figured out that you’d want to go off on your pointless Strigoi-hunting quest.† The look Mason gave me revealed he still wasn’t entirely happy with me. It was Mia who replied, however. â€Å"It isn’t pointless.† â€Å"Oh?† I demanded. â€Å"Did you kill any Strigoi? Did you even find any?† â€Å"No,† admitted Eddie. â€Å"Good,† I said. â€Å"You got lucky.† â€Å"Why are you so against killing Strigoi?† asked Mia hotly. â€Å"Isn’t that what you train for?† â€Å"I train for sane missions, not childish stunts like this.† â€Å"It isn’t childish,† she cried. â€Å"They killed my mother. And the guardians weren’t doing anything. Even their information is bad. There weren’t any Strigoi in the tunnels. Probably none in the whole city.† Christian looked impressed. â€Å"You found the tunnels?† â€Å"Yeah,† said Eddie. â€Å"But like she said, they were useless.† â€Å"We should see them before we go,† Christian told me. â€Å"It’d be kind of cool, and if the data was bad, there’s no danger.† â€Å"No,† I snapped. â€Å"We’re going home. Now.† Mason looked tired. â€Å"We’re going to search the city again. Even you can’t make us go back, Rose.† â€Å"No, but the school’s guardians can when I call and tell them you’re here.† Call it blackmailing or being a tattletale; the effect was the same. The three of them looked at me like I had just simultaneously gut-punched them all. â€Å"You’d really do that?† asked Mason. â€Å"You’d sell us out like that?† I rubbed my eyes, wondering desperately why I was trying to be the voice of reason here. Where was the girl who’d run away from school? Mason had been right. I had changed. â€Å"This isn’t about selling anyone out. This is about keeping you guys alive.† â€Å"You think we’re that defenseless?† asked Mia. â€Å"You think we’d get killed right away?† â€Å"Yes,† I said. â€Å"Unless you’ve found some way to use water as a weapon?† She flushed and didn’t say anything. â€Å"We brought silver stakes,† said Eddie. Fantastic. They must have stolen them. I looked at Mason pleadingly. â€Å"Mason. Please. Call this off. Let’s go back.† He looked at me for a long time. Finally, he sighed. â€Å"Okay.† Eddie and Mia looked aghast, but Mason had assumed a leadership role with them, and they didn’t have the initiative to go on without him. Mia seemed to take it the hardest, and I felt bad for her. She’d barely had any real time to grieve for her mother; she’d just jumped right on board with this revenge thing as a way to cope with the pain. She’d have a lot to deal with when we got back. Christian was still excited about the idea of the underground tunnels. Considering he spent all his time in an attic, I shouldn’t have been all that surprised. â€Å"I saw the schedule,† he told me. â€Å"We’ve got a while before the next bus.† â€Å"We can’t go walking into some Strigoi lair,† I argued, walking toward the mall’s entrance. â€Å"There are no Strigoi there,† said Mason. â€Å"It’s seriously all janitorial stuff. There was no sign of anything weird. I really do think the guardians had bad information.† â€Å"Rose,† said Christian, â€Å"let’s get something fun out of this.† They all looked at me. I felt like a mom who wouldn’t buy her kids candy at the grocery store. â€Å"Okay, fine. Just a peek, though.† The others led Christian and me to the opposite end of the mall, through a door marked staff only. We dodged a couple of janitors, then slipped through another door that led us to a set of stairs going down. I had a brief moment of d? ¦j? ¤ vu, recalling the steps down to Adrian’s spa party. Only these stairs were dirtier and smelled pretty nasty. We reached the bottom. It wasn’t so much a tunnel as a narrow corridor, lined in grime-caked cement. Ugly fluorescent lights were embedded sporadically along the walls. The passage went off to our left and right. Boxes of ordinary cleaning and electrical supplies sat around. â€Å"See?† said Mason. â€Å"Boring.† I pointed in each direction. â€Å"What’s down there?† â€Å"Nothing,† sighed Mia. â€Å"We’ll show you.† We walked down to the right and found more of the same. I was starting to agree with the boring assessment when we passed some black writing on one of the walls. I stopped and looked at it. It was a list of letters. D B C O T D V L D Z S I Some had lines and x marks next to them, but for the most part the message was incoherent. Mia noticed my scrutiny. â€Å"It’s probably a janitor thing,† she said. â€Å"Or maybe some gang did it.† â€Å"Probably,† I said, still studying it. The others shifted restlessly, not understanding my fascination with the jumble of letters. I didn’t understand my fascination either, but something in my head tugged at me to stay. Then I got it. B for Badica, Z for Zeklos, I for Ivashkov †¦ I stared. The first letter of every royal family’s name was there. There were three D names, but based on the order, you could actually read the list as a size ranking. It started with the smaller families- Dragomir, Badica, Conta- and went all the way up to the giant Ivashkov clan. I didn’t understand the dashes and lines beside the letters, but I quickly noticed which names had an x beside them: Badica and Drozdov. I stepped back from the wall. â€Å"We have to get out of here,† I said. My own voice scared me a little. â€Å"Right now.† The others looked at me in surprise. â€Å"Why?† asked Eddie. â€Å"What’s going on?† â€Å"I’ll tell you later. We just need to go.† Mason pointed in the direction we’d been heading. â€Å"This lets out a few blocks away. It’s closer to the station.† I peered down into the dark unknown. â€Å"No,† I said. â€Å"We’re going back the way we came.† They all looked at me like I was insane as we retraced our steps, but nobody questioned me yet. When we emerged from the mall’s front, I breathed a sigh of relief to see that the sun was still out, though it was steadily sinking into the horizon and casting orange and red light onto the buildings. The remaining light would still be enough for us to get back to the bus station before we were really in any danger of seeing Strigoi. And I knew now that there really were Strigoi in Spokane. Dimitri’s information had been correct. I didn’t know what the list meant, but it clearly had something to do with the attacks. I needed to report it to the other guardians immediately, and I certainly couldn’t tell the others what I’d realized until we were safely at the lodge. Mason was likely to go back into the tunnels if he knew what I did. Most of our walk back to the station proceeded in silence. I think my mood had cowed the others. Even Christian seemed to have run out of snide comments. Inside, my emotions swirled, oscillating between anger and guilt as I kept reexamining my role in everything. Ahead of me, Eddie stopped walking, and I nearly ran into him. He looked around. â€Å"Where are we?† Snapping out of my own thoughts, I surveyed the area too. I didn’t remember these buildings. â€Å"Damn it,† I exclaimed. â€Å"Are we lost? Didn’t anyone keep track of which way we went?† It was an unfair question since I clearly hadn’t paid attention either, but my temper had pushed me past reason. Mason studied me for a few moments, then pointed. â€Å"This way.† We turned and walked down a narrow street between two buildings. I didn’t think we were going the right way, but I didn’t really have a better idea. I also didn’t want to stand around debating. We hadn’t gone very far when I heard the sound of an engine and squealing tires. Mia was walking in the middle of the road, and protective conditioning kicked in before I even saw what was coming. Grabbing her, I jerked her out of the street and up against one of the building walls. The boys had done the same. A large, gray van with tinted windows had rounded the corner and was headed in our direction. We pressed flat against the wall, waiting for it to go past. Only it didn’t. Screeching to a halt, it stopped right in front of us, and the doors slid open. Three big guys spilled out, and again, my instincts kicked in. I had no clue who they were or what they wanted, but they clearly weren’t friendly. That was all I needed to know. One of them moved toward Christian, and I struck out and punched him. The guy barely staggered but was clearly surprised to have felt it at all, I think. He probably hadn’t expected someone as small as me to be much of a threat. Ignoring Christian, he moved toward me. In my peripheral vision, I saw Mason and Eddie squaring off with the other two. Mason had actually pulled out his stolen silver stake. Mia and Christian stood there, frozen. Our attackers were relying a lot on bulk. They didn’t have the sort of background we had in offensive and defensive techniques. Plus, they were human, and we had dhampir strength. Unfortunately, we also had the disadvantage of being cornered against the wall. We had nowhere to retreat to. Most importantly, we had something to lose. Like Mia. The guy who’d been sparring with Mason seemed to realize this. He backed off from Mason and instead grabbed her. I barely saw the flash of his gun before its barrel was pressed against her neck. Backing off from my own adversary, I yelled at Eddie to stop. We’d all been trained to respond instantly to those kinds of orders, and he halted his attack, glancing at me questioningly When he saw Mia, his face went pale. I wanted nothing more than to keep pummeling these men- whoever they were- but I couldn’t risk this guy hurting Mia. He knew it, too. He didn’t even have to make the threat. He was human, but he knew enough about us to know that we’d go out of our way to protect the Moroi. Novices had a saying grilled into us from an early age: Only they matter. Everyone stopped and looked between him and me. Apparently we were the acknowledged leaders here. â€Å"What do you want?† I asked harshly. The guy pressed his gun closer to Mia’s neck, and she whimpered. For all her talk about fighting, she was smaller than me and not nearly as strong. And she was too terrified to move. The man inclined his head toward the van’s open door. â€Å"I want you to get inside. And don’t start anything. You do, and she’s gone.† I looked at Mia, the van, my other friends, and then back to the guy. Shit. How to cite Frostbite Chapter 18, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Maslows hierarchy of needs ... free essay sample

Maslows hierarchy of needs is linked in with the basic needs of an individual. The first basic needs are to do with physical. This is the need for food, drink, shelter, sleep and oxygen. Whenever people age they tend to age slowly and their days go by slower and this is because they have limited opportunities. Once you age you will begin to notice whenever you are in your 60s and this includes the skin becoming thinner and less elasticated. You bones also become more brittle meaning that it is easier for an older person to break their bones. As well as your bones, your joint become stiffer and more painful meaning that older people tend to be in a lot of pain. This is why physiotherapists are good for older people because they are able to help with the problem and try and improve the quality of life for older people. We will write a custom essay sample on Maslows hierarchy of needs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Older people dont always have the best balance and whenever the muscles become weaker it can be harder to stabilise themselves. Older people can also become unwell faster than younger people because they are more prone to infections. Older people are advised to go the GP if they feel like their health is getting worse. The GP will be able to prescribe them medication to help.As you old it is essential as an older person to communicate with other people because if they dont they tend to disengage themselves from society. Whenever older people retire at the age of 65 they arent as intellectually smart as they were before but thats because they havent been in education and havent been able to learn anything new in a while. It is important that older people get out and socialise because it will help with their intellectual development. This includes reading a newspaper, doing crosswords or puzzles, going to activity classes like bingo. For older people, services need to be provided which help older continue to socialise. Older people tend to disengage from society based on certain circumstances like the death of a partner or retirement. With these services it allows older people to go out and be active but also to socialise with new friends and people that they were once friends with.In this case emotional and social impacts are both linked in with each other. People often reconnect with those friends they used to be friends with which can be a very emotional time. It is also meeting family members that have drifted or moved far away which gives them a chance to catch up on everything . This is good for older people because they have been so busy with work and their own family, it gives them a chance to reconnect and catch-up with people but it also gives them a chance to meet new people as well. It also means that they can get out of the house and visit other people so it is a different scenery for them even if they are retired.Whenever older people decide to retire there can be many reasons why they choose to retire but one reason is so that they can do the things and activities that they never got the chance to do before. They often take the chance and go on holidays or visit long distance friends or family, which gives them a chance to reconnect with those they used to talk to. Often older people decide to volunteer in local charities or help in local schools or community centres which means that they will be constantly meeting new people every day.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Major Aspects of Organizations Resourcing Strategies

Selection Employee selection process constitutes a major aspect of organization’s resourcing strategies because it defines and protects people being crucial for the organization. Due to the fact that the selection process consists in soliciting all possible information about the candidates to assess their suitability for a particular organization, it is very sophisticated, creating a solid platform for matching the recruits with the organizational staff.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The Major Aspects of Organization’s Resourcing Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, the strictness of approaches to selecting people is vital because negligence of specific criteria can lead to negative consequences. In addition, managers should be aware of the fact that selection process should effectively supported by the technological innovation because inaccuracy of the information delivered can lead to failure of choosing the appropriate candidate, as it happened to Liverpool Direct, a leading service company located in London (Bocij, Greasely and Hickie, p. 128). The chief executive David McElinney realized the major problem and managed to eliminate the problem, but the losses were still inevitable. Managing Diversity Cultural diversity is identified a concept demanding serious change to all spheres of organizational activities in order to ensure that various strategies and characteristics of human resources are highly appreciated. The effectiveness of successful diversity management is evident, specifically when it comes to enhanced creativity and innovation, better comprehension of customers’ needs, and improved recruitment opportunities. More positive moral and greater employee retention are also the outcomes of fruitful introduction of consistent diversity management. One of brightest examples of appropriate diversity management is Pacific Dunlop, a large Australian company that acknowledges the explicit connection between poor moral and negligence of social and cultural backgrounds (Steger and Erwee, n. d., p. 78). The company strictly embraces diversity management strategies and successfully contributes to employee retention. In addition, the company’s person-oriented strategy positively influences the organizational performance as well because workers are more likely to favor the business activities in healthier environments. Human Resource Development On the one hand, straight course on identifying the goals and achieving the results is one of the conditions for successful business management. On the other hand, excessive focus on achievements can lead to a stressful and unhealthy situation within an employed environment.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Consequently, a good manager should be able to strike the balance between those orientations and create a harmonious, two-polar approach in the sphere of human resource management and development. Case study of Wall-Mart proves that inappropriate human resource management can lead to serious consequences for organizational productivity and performance. Specifically, labor right violations and reluctance of managerial staff to introduce changes to treating their personnel negatively affected the company’s image and performance. Assessing HRM Effectiveness Inability to treat the employees effectively can put the effectiveness of human resource management in question. Failure to introduce trustful and reliable relationships between the members of an organization can have a negative impact on the organizational performance. Traditionally, HR professionals perceive employee morale and commitment from conceptual viewpoint. However, in order to fulfill the role of HR agent effectively, concepts and theories should be substituted with evid ence and practice. Inability to introduce effective human resource strategies were also observed in a leading document management company Xerox. The problem is that the company had significant problems in terms of work culture and leadership that occurred during the tenure of Rick Thoman and Paul Allaire. People problems were specifically connected with wrong decision made by the managers in terms of sales force reorganization that was less prioritized. Therefore, the industry personal should have been more concentrated on the organizational goals rather than on the needs of individual customers, which resulted in the company’s decline. Regarding the discussions presented above, it should be stressed that the HR practitioners presented in the case were part of the problems related to the job analysis, recruitment, and human resource management assessment and development.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The Major Aspects of Organization’s Res ourcing Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In particular, a monopolistic view on the business strategy did not provide results for the investment house Foy and Pirelli because the company did not succeed in meeting the employees’ needs. Managers strongly ignored their initiative; instead, they were more focused on their goals. In addition, the case with MoneyPenny proves that considering cultural and social background is crucial for the success of business operations. Therefore, before initiating the project in Bangkok, the manager should think more carefully over the appropriate candidature for the business journey. The next issue related to human resource management is the development and advancement of techniques aimed at improving working conditions and settling a more favorable emotional climate within an organization. In other words, managers should strike the balance between person-oriented and goal-oriented pol icies being the major conditions for reaching high management performance. In this respect, the case with Steve Lambert proves that aggressive polices deprived of organizational moral will not contribute to positive results and achievement on the part of the employees. Similar to this case, the managers from the investment house Foy and Pirelli also failed to follow the above recommendations and did take into account individual needs as the leading in reaching high level of organizational performance. They were, therefore, part of the problem in this situation. There were also the parties that positively contributed to the management performance, like Mike Burnett, a new manager of Foy and Pirelli who managed to solve the problem with low management performance through cultural revolution. In whole, most of the cases prove incompetence of managers in dealing with human resource management. References Bocij, P., Greaseley, A., and Hickie, S. (2009). Business Information Systems: Tech nology, Development and Management. NY: Pearson Education. Steger M., and Erwee, R. (n. d.). Managing Diversity in the Public Sector: A Case Study of a Small City Council.  International Journal of Organizational Behavior. 4(1), 77-95.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This assessment on The Major Aspects of Organization’s Resourcing Strategies was written and submitted by user Rylie Burgess to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ghost of Civil War Past 1850

Ghost of Civil War Past 1850 The United States has gone through several challenges to be what it is currently. The following story shows that the country has come from far as far as political development is concerned. Between 1850 and 1859, compromises were made to prevent secession and subsequent wars that would follow.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Ghost of Civil War Past 1850-1859 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Within the period, five bills were enacted, particularly in 1950 leading to the diffusion of the war that had lasted for four years. The period is considered one of the chaotic in the American history since the slave states of the South engaged in confrontations with the Free States of the North. The two regions differed over the ownership of the new states acquired through the Mexican-American War of 1846. The Whig senator Henry Clay of Kentucky introduced the compromise document while Clay acted as a mediator. The Democrat repres entative Stephen Douglas participated in drafting the document, which prevented secession and continued conflicts that threatened the peace of the country. The compromise document had several provisions, even though each party had issues with certain clauses. The 1850s compromise pushed the country towards war when Texas was convinced to drop its ambition of acquiring New Mexico. The key events of 1850s, such as the drafting of the Compromise document and the Kansas-Nebraska Act complicated the security of the country because states were unwilling to drop their ambitions of controlling major resources in the neighboring regions. The Compromise document of 1850 suggested that southern states had to do away with slave trade, but they were allowed to hold slaves. The north was unhappy with the idea of helping the south control slaves. The south saw it wise to fight for its rightful place instead of relying on the government, which was reluctant to offer any form of help to the region. The sudden death of Taylor complicated the situation further because he had been relied upon to prevent the interests of the south, but the incoming president was opposed to slavery. The South ensured that the Wilmot Proviso was avoided implying that the New Mexico Territory and Utah had the powers to decide whether to be free states or slave states in the future. The Missouri Compromise Line had banned slavery in the northern territories several years ago implying that there was no way Utah could become a slave state. The land around Utah was unfertile and it could not accommodate any form of agriculture. Additionally, the inhabitants were not southerners hence they were never interested in slavery. Through the compromise document, the southern states approved the Fugitive Slave Act, which permitted slavery in the region. However, slave trade was proscribed and it could not be one of the forms of business in the country. Based on this, slaves could simply be used in the production process, but not as goods of trade. Finally, the draft document banned slavery in the country’s capital Washington D.C. The implementation of the compromise document was faced with several challenges because the government was reluctant to support it.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The sudden death of President Zachary Taylor facilitated the application of the compromise document. The president was slave owner, but he never approved slave trade in the country. Henry Clay first tabled the compromise document in 1850, but both the pro-slavery legislators and southern democrats shut it down. The Illinois senator Stephen Douglas took it upon himself to break down the bill into several pieces, which were passed without much opposition The congress resumed its sessions on 3 December 1849 and the Whig senator Henry Clay delivered a powerful speech urging the house members to compromise in order to prevent the breakage of the union. The bill could not be adopted right away because of the nature of the document, something that forced the Illinois senator to break it into smaller pieces. Through this, the smaller bills were approved separately. Clay was overpowered and his influence could no longer be felt in the congress, something that forced him to invite the services of Douglas. The Northern Whigs, including William Seward, had separate views as regards to the compromise document. Seward delivered a speech on the higher law that challenged the credibility of the compromise. His main concern was the fugitive law and the existence of the Wilmot proviso in the west. The president Zachary Taylor kept off from the issue during his 1848 presidential campaigns, but came in strongly to support the admission of California as the Free State. The president surprised the southerners because they never expected him to support antislavery policies, having been the s lave owner for several years. The discussion of the compromise document nearly turned violent in the house when Senator Benton took on the Vice president, accusing him of trying to force the passage of the bill. On his part, the floor leader of the bill Foote of Mississippi threatened to shoot Benton if he continued misbehaving in the house. At least nine slave-holding states from the south sent a powerful delegation to the Nashville Convention to establish the next course of action in case the compromise document was to be implemented. Most of these delegates preferred secession because abolition of slave holding was a threat to their survival, but a few of them suggested further compromises. One of the options was to extend the geographic dividing line that Missouri Compromise of 1820 designated. Clay combined several bills into a single omnibus bill, something that his fellow Whigs opposed.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Ghost of Civil War Past 1850-185 9 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He could not continue fronting the bill because of the deteriorating health. With the death of the president and the subsequent accession of Fillmore, the passage and implementation of the compromise bill was inevitable. The new government was in full support of the compromise. The advocates of the bill were able to marshal support by talking to the Northern Democrats and requesting the southern Whigs to vote for the compromise document as soon as it was table in the house. In the history of the United States, secession has always been prevented by opting for other options. In this case, the Compromise solved many issues that could have to major divisions in the country. For instance, the problems related to boundaries were getting out of hand and the federal government was unable to tackle them effectively. The compromise played a major role in ironing out some of the issues that could have brought serious conflicts leading to wars and claims of secession. Additionally, the compromise resolved the issue slavery because it allowed the southern states to use slaves in their plantations, but they could not sell them to other regions. Ghost of Civil War Present (1860-1861) The actions of the southern states were unacceptable upon the election of Lincoln meaning that the 1960 presidential elections triggered the secession movements because several compromise documents never convened their major aims. The southern states ensured that they seceded before Lincoln was sworn in as President because he opposed slavery. One of the Compromise proposals presented after the election of Lincoln as President was the Corwin Amendment. The amendment was expected to prevent the occurrence of any war and help states achieve their ambitions in order to drop their secession claims. The president was against slavery and he had indicated clearly in his campaign message that slavery was demeaning the status o f the United States. Therefore, the southern plantation farmers were convinced that the president would ban slavery leading to its extinction. To worsen the matter, the slave states had become the minority in the House of Representatives, something that convinced them to seek self-rule through secession. The north had become powerful in both houses. Because of this, seven states withdrew their support from the union and decided to join the Confederacy before the swearing in of Lincoln. The first state to declare self-rule and secession was South Carolina. The state adopted the statement titled declaration of the immediate causes, which induce and justify the secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union. South Carolina advocated for the rights of the Southern states as regards to ownership of slaves.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, the secessionist states were against the Fugitive Slave Act, which prevented workers from seeking refuge in the northern states. Based on this, the northern states were accused of not fulfilling their constitutional mandates of helping the south return back fugitive workers. The seven states formed a southern government before Lincoln was sworn in, having seceded from the union to form the Confederate of America on 4 February 1861. The outgoing president James Buchanan never prevented the secessionist states from taking over the ownership of federal resources in their respective regions. Buchanan was sympathetic to the southern states because he declared that they had no sufficient reason to seceded, but went on to claim that the congress had no power to prevent any state from withdrawing its support to the union. For instance, the army commander in Texas was forced to hand over the entire garrison to the state government whereby the military leader was convinced to jo in the Confederacy. All southern legislators in the senate and the house resigned, which gave Republicans from the North an opportunity to pass bills that had been blocked for several years. For instance, changes were brought in to adjust the Morrill Tariff. Furthermore, the Homestead Act was passed and the transcontinental railroad was commissioned. The southern states expected some form of assistance from Britain because slave owners were mainly from the United Kingdom, but the deal never materialized because the British government never wanted to destabilize the American government. The seven Deep South states that were popularly known for producing cotton seceded in February 1861, including South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. The states formed the Confederate of America, with Jefferson Davis serving as the first head of state. The administrative structure was similar to the one contained in the US constitution. In the same year, Fort Sumter was a ttacked, something that forced President Lincoln to request the states to volunteer their armies. Towards the end of the year, four southern states seceded to join the Confederacy, including Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Unfortunately, Virginia encountered internal resistance leading to the formation of another state referred to as West Virginia, which decided to remain in the Union. On the other hand, at least twenty-three states decided to remain in the union, including California and Kentucky. Secession was affecting the fulfillment of the American dream because the south accused the north of trying to interfere with its interests while the north criticized the south for misusing human labor. This could not be tolerated further because conflicts were witnessed on daily basis, with the president controlling only the states in the union. The Confederate states could engage in unlawful activities, yet the federal government could not intervene to bring sanity. W hile the union tried as much as possible to convince states to join the federal government, the Confederacy resisted such attempts through military intervention. Ghost of Civil War-Yet to Come (1861-1865) The North and the South prepared amicably for the war with both the Confederacy and the Union preparing their soldiers and militias to engage in the battle. Governors were instructed to mobilize resources in the north while the south organized their militias. President Lincoln requested the well-wishers in the north to offer their services under the volunteer program. Many Americans volunteered to offer their services to an extent that both the Confederate and the Union lacked the capacity to train and equip them. All young men and women aged between eighteen were recruited under the compulsory conscription program. In 862, the Confederacy passed a law that made it compulsory for all men aged 18-35 years to train with the militias. The Civil War attracted foreigners, with over one- seventy thousand Germans and one-forty Irish citizens joining the war. In 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation act was enacted allowing the states to recruit slaves as soldiers. The locals were forced to fund the war through heavy taxation and direct deposits to government covers. Secession led to Civil Conflicts that cost the lives of many people and loss of property. The government should never allow secession because it does not help any party. Whenever a state feels that its objectives are not being met, it is encouraged that dialogue is embraced because it facilitates compromises instead of rising up to fight one another. By 1865, the United States was facing serious humanitarian crisis because many people were in need of assistance. The government failed to offer protection to the citizens because of the existence of militias controlled by the secessionist states. The south lost the battle whereby it was forced to abandon Shiloh, New Orleans, Antietam, and Vicksburg. When it lo st the major battlefields, the south had no option, but to stop for the day and surrender to the Union forces. President Lincoln seized the opportunity to draft some of the most important policies that would prevent the civil war in the future. The president read a Gettysburg address whereby he affirmed that there is no superior race or individual in the country, but instead people had to embrace equality. In this regard, several constitutional amendments had to follow to ensure that slavery is never exercised in the country. Additionally, strong laws had to be enacted to ensure that peace and security is preserved in the country. The emancipation proclamation freed all slaves in the country and it was declared illegal for any individual to hold another as slave. On 17 June 1865, the last Confederate hanged boots at Trans-Mississippi Theatre and the president appointed Starkey as the governor of Mississippi. In the same year, peace was restored in the state and fire-eater Edmund Ruf fin died in his firm.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Profile of Tantalus, Mortal Son of Zeus

Profile of Tantalus, Mortal Son of Zeus Favored by the gods, Tantalus was allowed to dine with them. Taking advantage of this position, he either made a meal for the gods of his son Pelops or he told other mortals the secrets of the gods which he had learned at their table. When Tantalus served Pelops to the gods, all except Demeter recognized the food for what it was and refused to eat, but Demeter, grieving for her lost daughter, was distracted and ate the shoulder. When the gods restored Pelops, he was given an ivory replacement. Consequences Tantalus is known primarily for the punishment he endured. Tantalus is shown in Tartarus in the Underworld eternally trying to do the impossible. On earth, he was punished either by having a stone hang forever over his head or by being driven from his kingdom. Punishment The punishment of Tantalus in Tartarus is to stand knee deep in water but be unable to slake his thirst because whenever he bends down, the water vanishes. Over his head hangs fruit, but whenever he reaches for it, it goes just beyond his reach. From this punishment, Tantalus is familiar to us in the word tantalize. The Family of Origin Zeus was the father of Tantalus and his mother was Pluto, daughter of Himas. Marriage and Children Tantalus was married to a daughter of Atlas, Dione. Their children were Niobe, Broteas, and Pelops. Position Tantalus was king of Sipylos in Asia Minor. Others say he was king of Paphlagonia also in Asia Minor. Sources Ancient sources for Tantalus include Apollodorus, Diodorus Siculus, Euripides, Homer, Hyginus, Antoninus Liberalis, Nonnius, Ovid, Pausanias, Plato, and Plutarch. Tantalus and the House of Atreus After Tantalus betrayed the trust of the gods his family started to suffer. His daughter Niobe was turned to stone. His grandson was the first husband of Clytemnestra and was killed by Agamemnon. Another grandson, through ivory-shouldered Pelops, was Atreus, father of Agamemnon and Menelaus. Atreus and Thyestes were brothers and rivals who wound up destroying each other. They had fallen under a curse uttered by Hermes son Myrtilus against Pelops and all his family. Atreus further defied the gods by promising Artemis a golden lamb and then failing to deliver it. After a series of tricks and treacheries between the brothers, Atreus served up a dish to his brother of three of Thyestes children.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Multi-culturalism and the new regionalism in Southeast Asia (or ASEAN) Essay

Multi-culturalism and the new regionalism in Southeast Asia (or ASEAN) - Essay Example Economic integration can be replicated in the political field but true growth of regionalism will come about through a coagulation of regional identities. Multiculturalism can contribute to creation of common identities and can thus provide a strong bond for the sustained growth of regionalism. The impact of multiculturalism in fostering regionalism and growth of ASEAN will thus form the central theme of this research. A realist approach with thorough analysis of data and study of primary as well as secondary sources will be adopted to arrive at specific answers to the key research questions. The rigorous approach thus adopted is expected to bring about a greater understanding of the phenomenon of multiculturalism in the specific context of South East Asian regionalism. The modern world is increasingly regionalized and globalized. This is posing greater challenges for individuals and nation states. Some of these are resulting in a clash of identities between individuals and states. Multiculturalism attempts to reduce these fault lines by bringing people closer together to melt different cultures and identities. Regionalism provides a geographical and political dimension to multiculturalism. However regionalism does not naturally imply assimilation of cultures. Multiculturalism needs stronger roots and deeper commitments than regionalism. Association of South East Asian Nations or ASEAN has emerged as an enduring regional phenomenon. It is a political and economic confederation based on the needs to protect and project economic and political power of the resurgent economies of South East Asia, such as Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Multiculturalism can also form a strong glue to bind together the people of ASEAN. Though it will be a long a slow p rocess, a multicultural ASEAN society would be far more homogeneous than it is today, thereby enabling peace and prosperity in the region more consistently.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Gods command Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gods command - Essay Example This passage shows that human beings are nothing without God and we cannot achieve anything until God decides to bestow his blessing upon us and fulfill our needs and wants. No matter how hard we work and no matter how educated or literate we become, we cannot achieve anything in this world without the blessings of God. For example, An individual who studies hard day and night can only end up scoring an â€Å"A† grade in his/her exam if God wants to allow him that grade. We should not only work hard, we should even pray hard and bow down before God if we want to achieve our aims and objectives. God has the ability to perform miracles such as the miracle of water flowing out of rock is one of the greatest examples of miracles that God can perform. This tells us that we should not be scared of anyone or any huge obstacle in our life. This even tells us that we should have faith in God and work hard and a combination of belief in God and hard work will help us in crossing the mos t difficult obstacles in our life. We see our politicians taking credit for performing very important tasks. Due to this we end up following them as we believe that these politicians will help us in attaining our aims and objectives in life. Firstly, these politicians should realize that they are nothing if God and if God does not want them to be popular, they will never become popular. God uses human beings to help His people as He cannot come to earth and help us out. So instead of praising the human element.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Life and Teachings of Siddhartha Gautama Essay Example for Free

The Life and Teachings of Siddhartha Gautama Essay Buddhism is a way of life for Buddhists, based on the teachings of a man who had lived more than two and a half thousand years ago in northern India. He was born in the foothills of Lumbini, in what is now Nepal, in about 563BCE, and was called Siddhartha. His family was called Gautama, and his father (Shuddhodana) was the rular of the Shakya clan at that time. Everyone who followed Siddhartha called him the Buddha, which means the enlightened one. They believed that he had found the truth about life. Many stories about the life of the Buddha were passed on by word of mouth for about 600 years before anyone wrote them down. They were a constant reminder of the Buddha and all the things he did for other people. Siddharthas father felt very strongly about him taking over as rular. He therefore gave Siddhartha everything he wanted and every luxury he could have. He didnt tell his son about suffering and death because he didnt want to upset him. He was afraid that these things would stop him from becoming interested in religion. Because Siddhartha was a prince, he was taught the skills of archery, horsemanship, swordplay and martial arts. He was given the staff of beautiful young women to care for him and to look after him. When he was only nineteen, he married a beautiful princess named Yasodhara. Because she was a princess, she was allowed to choose her husband from the local princes. She chooses Siddhartha after a number of competitions, which included lots of things such as sports and the singing of love-songs! They then had a son whose name was Rahula. When Siddhartha decided to go out in his chariot, his father sent all his servants to go and get all the blind and sick people of the streets because he didnt want to upset his son, but Siddhartha saw four things that changed his life. He saw an old man, a sick man, a corpse and a Hindu holy man, or a Sadhu. After seeing the first three of these, Siddhartha knew that he had to grow old and die. He no longer wanted a life of luxury but wanted to be ordinary. He wanted to help these people overcome their suffering. He wanted to become more like a Sadhu, who gave up all his possessions and time to lead a spiritual life. He knew that this spiritual life was for him to live. Then, one night, he left his family at the palace. Channa, his charioteer, drove him out of his fathers city. He cut off all his hair, took off all his fine clothes and, wearing just a simple robe, he set out to a homeless life. He was 29 years old. For six years Siddhartha lived under strict discipline of the Hindu religion. In other words he lived as an ascetic. He had settled to live with five other holy men near the River Nairanjana. He had trained himself to fast for long periods of time and when he had done that he only ate a little, just enough for him to live on. Some people said that he nearly killed himself fasting like that. He grew so thin that you could see his backbone through his stomach. Then, one day, he decided that this fasting and discipline wasnt doing him any good. He was trying to find the truth about life and this discipline wasnt helping, so he gave it up. He went down to the river and bathed, and on the way back he met a milkmaid named Nandabala, and she offered him some rice pudding to eat. He accepted it. The other holy men thought that Siddhartha was giving up his fast and as a consequence, they then decided to desert him. Unfortunately, he had not done what he came to do. He still wanted to find the meaning and purpose of life and to understand how to overcome the suffering that there was. He went and sat at the bottom of a tree and vowed that he would not move until he had achieved this enlightenment. He sat under the tree all night, trying to deal with temptations. Then, he was said to have gained this enlightenment. The tree that he sat under is now called the Bodhi-tree because the word for enlightenment is Bodhi. He was thirty-five when he became enlightened. For the rest of his life, until he died at eighty, he had walked all over India. One of the main places where he taught was Varanasi, where he explained his teaching-which is now the basis of all Buddhist understanding and practice. He found the sanga- the order of monks and nuns who spent their lives spreading the teaching. Most people dont choose to be monks or nuns. They follow the Buddhas teaching, and apply it to work and family life. The sanga refers to all those who are monks or nuns. By the time the Buddha had died thousands of people in India had become his followers. During the next century his teaching spread throughout most of Asia. Today there are well over 500 million Buddhists living in countries such as India, Nepal, Thailand, Japan etc. There are many Buddhist centres in the west, Europe and the U.S.A. The Buddhists believe that everyone can achieve enlightenment. They hope to do so. Some say that we all have the Buddha nature within ourselves. Siddhartha is called the Buddha because he was the first to be enlightened in this way. The Buddhists respect the Buddha in many different ways. They respect him as a great and famous teacher, helping others to understand the truth and meaning of life, and to help them gain enlightenment like the Buddha.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing Othello and Volpone Essay -- Comparison Compare Contrast Ess

Similarities in Othello and Volpone      Ã‚  Ã‚   Upon reading Shakespeare's l604 tragedy, Othello, the Moor of Venice and Jonson's l606 comedy, Volpone, or The Foxe, a reader will notice both similarities and differences.   In both plays, we meet characters of "rare ingenious knavery." Indeed, Iago, Volpone, and Mosca are uncommonly similar in nature. An elaborate "con game" is practiced in each play through intriguing dramatic inventiveness. However, the focus of Shakespeare's tragedy is upon a noble and heroic figure; the focus of Jonson's comedy is upon a monster of depravity, a genius in crime. Comparisons between these great plays continues to pale when Jonson's script is held up to scrutiny. Whereas Shakespeare's seventeenth century work in comedy would turn continually toward soft edges, romance, and the pastoral, mixing both the serious and the humorous, Jonson established a reputation as one of the major social satirists of the English dramatic tradition. In fact, Jonson's comedies establish the tradition of social comedy on the English stage. In Volpone, although the satire is ultimately moral, its immediate aim is mostly social or legal. The play unmasks the artificial features of respectability, exposing vice and the manipulations of hypocrites. To his credit, Jonson did not altogether excuse the imperceptiveness of the victims in the play. Jonson's central characters are among the early models of "anti-heroes," a term generally restricted to characters found in Dostoevski, Sartre, or Camus. The specimens dramatized in Volpone are not merely fools, but money-hungry, lustful, morally despicable knaves. Their names immediately suggest their depravity because they are identified with the world of beasts. Thus, the lawy... ... Now, though the Fox be punish'd by the laws, / He yet doth hope, there is no suff'ring due, / For any fact which he hath done 'gainst you; / If there be a censure him; here he doubtful stands. / If not, fare jovially, and clap your hands." Works Cited and Consulted Barish, Jonas A. Ben Jonson: A Collection of Critical Essays. Prentice-Hall Inc.: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1963. Campbell, Lily B. Shakespeare’s Tragic Heroes. New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1970. Dessen, Alan C. Jonson’s Moral Comedy. Northwestern University. Press, 1971. Kermode, Frank. â€Å"Othello, the Moor of Venice.† The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. http://www.eiu.edu/~multilit/studyabroad/othello/othello_all.html No line nos.   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Music and Fashion

Subculture is a word which implies liberty of creativeness, liberty of appearance, ease and liberty of a selected model for getting pleasure. In addition, to resolve the contradictions of forefathers and parents culture, where forefathers and parents culture fails to provide a workable ideology for the next generation it usually takes the form of rituals, fashion and music. However, there is an important connection between fashion and subculture, and it is clothes that the young generations wear in the street, the new ideas of the rock bands, the glittering clothes in the clubs  Ã‚   have influenced a lot fashion design industry.According to Brian â€Å"The transformation rave culture from underground, and frequently illegal, dance parties organized by electronic music lovers to highly publicized popular concerts sponsored by local radio stations and major music labels was predictable, if not wholly inevitable. After all, part of capitalism's appeal lies in its ideological flexibi lity–its capacity to embrace transgressive subculture, repackage it, and sell it as the latest stylistic innovation.Though predictable, rave culture's evolution was and continues to be anything but simple and straightforward. It entails a set of complex negotiations surrounding the meanings of artist, authorship, and authenticity. It reflects deeply fought rhetorical/ideological battles around communalism and commercialism, performance and product, and sharing and spectacle†. (Brian, pg, 249+)Mainly, Raves attract people who belong to the middle-class and are in their mid-teens to late-twenties. Normally, the average age of people at most of the rave events is 18 to 25 years. More interestingly, the average age of the Ravers increased due to its popularity among all age group people.Rave scene has its own culture instead of just a party term. Vivacious group of like-minded young individuals gather in one platform and dance in order to join rave communities. The rave tra dition has become popular among New York youth.In this regard, one community has developed a Ravers website and named it (www.Raveclick.com). The primary motive behind the creation of this website was to urge youth to adopt rave culture. With the advent of this website, music and fashion in New York have gone out of their track. For example, the outfits and style of music were completely changed. Rockers have begun to perform electronic hip-hop music which amused ravers in dance parties.In rave parties, teenagers dance to electronic music from dusk to dawn. Old scholars treat the rave as a hypertext of delight and disappearance. In the period of 1989 to 1992, rave culture began to flourish into a global phenomenon on grassroots basis. In 1980 Rave people were first traveled to attend the rave parties, usually at that time the parties were arranged in home basis. However, by the mid of 1990 major companies were started to sponsor rave parties on commercial basis.In subculture trends, fashion dressing of teenagers are very interesting and unluckily very little studied. In this regard, if we look imaginative and psychological nature of fashion dressing we will find it very interesting, For instance, style of haircuts, clothes and accessories, and make up etc.According to Nayak, â€Å"the excessive style of Charver spilled over from fabrics to music. Many Charver Kids favored Rave and Jungle music, sounds that were historically tied to the mutating patterns of cultural syncretism formed in British inner cities. Interestingly, some of the young people who had spoke disparagingly about Charver style in one context were willing to admit that they were ‘a bit Charver’ in their tastes towards music and certain elements of fashion. Thus, James admitted liking ‘Rave, Coliseum kinda thing’ and was willing to take on a Charver identity at certain moments†. (Nayak, pg, 16)More interestingly, among the rave community, characteristics of life such as gender, age, sexual orientation, race, dress and many other things do not matter. Ravers are the people who come out at night, for fun. Nonetheless with regard of subculture context, every one in the rave community wants himself or herself to mark some distinct point in his or her individual personal characteristics by doing something different from others. With respect of this, before joining the rave party, raver eyes aglow with anticipation, body curious for foreign rhythms, glittering shoes encompass feet hungry for dancing these are some fantasies which always are the primary context of a Raver.Youth culture denotes to a homogenous belief of teenagers as doing similar things and being dealt in a similar fashion and plays down aspects of distinctions. Generally, this idea was popular with United States sociologists in the period of 50s and 60s mainly those of the social functionalism persuasion. For instance, in 1964 Talcott debated that although youth culture, disconcer ting for young generation, but in reality it performed certain useful functions for society. It was a security valve, a way of letting off steam for young generation caught up in the period of doubt and indistinct social roles.In this regard, we have been noticed so many times that in some communities families tend to have closer interaction with teenagers and they seem so intent on being different to their forefathers and parents. On the other hand, in some communities young age children may intentionally choose a specific subculture group in order to reinforce their independence and even opposition to their family culture. It has been observed that, children who belong to upper class communities have more disposable income resources to spend in entertainment, sport and some other related activities. Consequently, while they indulge themselves in these activities they face a diverse society and adopt certain things from other which is sometimes considered a primary root of subcultu re society.According to Wilson â€Å"The rave issue is contextualized through a thorough examination of the history of rave scenes. Not surprisingly, Wilson discovers that rave culture has its roots in disco, pre-disco, warehouse parties and gay clubs in New York City, Chicago, Detroit and Britain. More interestingly, however, is Wilson's scrupulous documentation of previous scholarship of the heyday of rave. He reveals that while some scholars were claiming the libidinal space of the rave dance floor as an anti-patriarchal realm of resistance, others were decrying its elitism and upper-middle class tendency toward exclusion and clique formation. So the question becomes, does rave culture alter and question reality, or does it confirm it.† (Wilson, pg, 224)The most controversial issue of rave subculture is excessive use of drugs and from the very outset of the rave parties it has been closely associated with it. Ravers in dance parties usually take dugs as to get more amuseme nt. More interestingly, in some communities beside alcohol drinks drugs are the primary motive of joy and happiness in rave parties.Often Ravers have embraced deviation and exoticism with respect of people, music, and everything. In addition, different cultures have established because of rave offers a lack of hierarchy and the pure sense of progression that are significant for the social and emotional development of a particular group.As discussed above, drugs and violence have been known as an element of the rave subculture but it is very difficult to judge the degree of their impact on young generation. However, curious youth have already embraced and hence encouraged many of the aesthetic hallmarks of rave culture.Conclusionâ€Å"According to Huq Rave could be seen as the last subculture, signifying either most recent or even as those pronouncing the end of youth culture contend, and the final one. In many ways it is cause and effect of youth culture coming of age. For the danc e music generation computer technology, foreign travel and drugs have largely been normalized as they have grown up with all three†.  Ã‚   (Huq, 2006, pg, 108)Ravers say that Rave culture express respect, peace and love, nevertheless, some people who do not wish to join this upstream subculture, can mark numerous negative stereotypes of raves. In this context, one must recognize the diversities and differences as well as similarities between the today’s and past generation youth. However, in order to find out the concept of subculture is valid or not this area needs more study. In this regard, one can say that awkward fashion and dance in mainstream youth which bring them together in one platform may be a good idea to share their own life beliefs culture, social customs and so forth.On the other hand, as we have discussed earlier that in ravers gathering Ravers frequently take drugs to boost their stamina and to mark some distinct cultural values among others a clash of individualism may occur in respond to other behavior and personal nature. In the end, one can say that not every thing in today’s upstream youth is bad and the birth of subculture fashion and music presenting a modern image of the world.Works CitedBrian L. Ott, Mixed Messages, Resistance and Reappropriation in Rave Culture, Western Journal of Communication. Volume: 67. Issue: 3. Publication Year: 2003. Page Number: 249+.Huq Rupa, Pop Arts / Pop Culture, (2006),Nayak Anoop, Race, Place and Globalization, Youth Cultures in a Changing World. New York. Publication, Year: 2003 page nuber (16)Wilson Brian, Fight, Flight Or Chill: Subcultures, Youth, And Rave In The Twenty-first Century, McGill-Queen's University Press 0-7735-3061-4, Paper 224 pp. (n.d.)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Barbie: the Early History by Erica Wolf Essay

Do you know anyone who has their own dream house, super fun pool house, pink convertible, or their own magical musical movies? No, I’m not talking about Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan, This girl is more classic, and more of a role model to every little girl around the world. She’s a fun, outgoing character with an outfit for every occasion. She’s Barbie. Today we will learn about this amazing doll and the affect she has had on toy industry. First we will examine the pink and perfect history of Barbie, then we will try on the many different characters in Barbie’s family, and finally we will hit the shelves to examine the marketing of Barbie merchandise. First we will examine the pink and perfect history of Barbie. Barbie was first introduced at the American International Toy Fair in New York in February of 1959 according to â€Å"Barbie: The Early History† by Erica Wolf last updated in 2000. Ruth and Elliot Handler, the creators of Barbie, modeled her after the German doll known as â€Å"Lilli.† Ruth discovered Lilli while shopping in Switzerland and brought her home for her daughter to play with. This inspired Ruth to create an adult doll made specifically for little girls. Handler eventually had Jack Ryan, an executive of Mattel, purchase the rights for Lilli and make a deal with the company to create a doll similar to Lilli. The new doll would have a more â€Å"soft† look and didn’t look as made up with makeup as Lilli. Finally, in 1958, the new doll, Barbie Millicent Roberts (named after Handler’s daughter, Barbara) was born. At 11  ½ inches tall, debuted as a teenage model in a black and white striped swimming suit that came with sunglasses, high-heeled shoes, and gold colored hoop earrings. The body was shapely with a movable head, arms, and legs. Barbie would be the first doll in America with an adult-like body. Though Barbie was thought to be a huge success, some people in America had a terrible reaction toward this new phenomenon. Many female adults frowned upon her mature body figure. Mothers said they would not allow their daughters to play with Barbie because of her very grown up figure. The doll quickly caught the attention of little girls across the country. Soon, the small, sophisticated doll became a worldwide sensation, and remains the top fashion doll today. Next, I am going to talk about the many different characters of Barbie. Including some of her friends, the different types of Barbies throughout the years, and the many outfits of Barbie. During the first decade of Barbie in the 60’s, there were themes that went with Barbie. Such as â€Å"Barbie Goes to College â€Å". In 1961, Ken was introduced. He wore swim trunks and an unbuttoned shirt, and came with blond, brown or black hair. Alternative clothes included a sailor’s outfit, a college student look and casual ensembles for picnics or movies. According to â€Å"Barbies of the 60s† by Amanda Hermes last updated in 2013, in 1963 Mattel released Barbie’s best friend, Midge, who had brunette hair and wore a sleek red swimsuit and red heels. Barbie’s little sister, Skipper, appeared in 1964, along with her own boyfriend, Allan. A year later, Barbie’s family grew to include twins Tutti and Todd followed by her more modern cousin, Francie, who also came in Japanese and African American versions. Christie, the first African American friend of Barbie’s, came along in 1968. In Barbie Doll History, there have been numerous types of Barbies made since she was first introduced. With a rare exception here and there, Barbie’s body hasn’t changed much. Some may have more moveable parts, but the size and shape remains the same. Her face however, is a different story. Vintage Barbies were made from 1959 to 1966. Vintage Barbies made from 1967 to 1973 are considered to be Mod Barbies. One of the most notable dolls in this era was Malibu Barbie. She represented a shift in Barbie’s evolution. She was made from 1971 to 1977. The next big shift in Barbie Doll History happened in 1977, when in the era of the Halter Dress and Farrah Fawcett hair; Barbie underwent a dramatic transition in the form of Superstar Barbie. Barbie’s were made with the big toothy smile and tons of long blonde hair for the rest of the 1970s, all of the 1980s and a large part of the 90s. Well-known designers such as Bob Mackie created many of the early collectible Barbie Dolls. One of Barbie’s first transformations after so many years with the Superstar face was with the â€Å"Mackie Face.† In 2000, Mattel introduced the Fashion Model Collection, also known a Silkstones. They use the vintage Barbie face and have been very successful with Barbie collectors. Barbie has undergone many changes and a lot of diversity over the last ten years. Now a variety of different skin tones, hair colors and face sculpts are used. Mattel released a series of twelve Black Label Basic Barbie Dolls, the next step in Barbie Doll History, each featuring different types of Barbie face sculpt. Finally, we will hit the shelves to examine the marketing of Barbie merchandise. Every second 2.5 Barbie dolls are sold. This contributes to sales of more than $1.5 billion U.S. annually, making Mattel’s Barbie the most successful doll in history. Today, women have active lifestyles, balancing career and home activities creating a very different taste in doll buyers. Mattel first failed to realize the importance of this shift in 2001 when MGA Entertainment released their Bratz dolls, a doll with personality and attitude for the new generation of girls. Mattel is still suffering today due to the invention of Bratz dolls. Not only did Mattel not recognize these threats, they also thought it unwise to make major changes to Barbie; afraid consumers might not like the changes. It was too late when they finally realized that not changing the look of Barbie would be a bad idea. In 2006, sales had dropped 30% despite rushed changes being made to Barbie’s figure, looks, boyfriends and clothing. They also introduced their own new line of modern dolls called â€Å"My Scene† girls. It was obvious to consumers that this was an imitation of the Bratz dolls, so it never matched popularity.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Modem installation essays

Modem installation essays The Internet has revolutionized our era and in order to hook up to the net, the primary device required is a modem. A modem is a phone line that connects to the computer and can serve as multiple purposes; however. The most well known purpose for a modem is for the Internet. Most people think that installing a modem is a complex feat. Though In reality, it is really not. Installing a modem consists of two major parts and if I can learn these easy steps than anyone can. The first major step to installing a modem is the collection of all the tools. To commence, you should go to an electronics store and purchase a modem. I personally recommend going to Best Buy or Comp USA. The technology so far has authorized the modem speed to go from 28.8k all the way to 56k and, of course, the higher the speed is the higher the price. Decent quality 56k modems usually range from somewhere between $110 to $130 dollars. I prefer getting a higher quality modem, for it will last longer. Anyway, at the store ask the employee to direct you to the aisle of the modems. After inquiring all the modems, pick the one you like best. You also can ask the employees for their opinion. After purchasing the modem, you will then need a Phillips screw driver. Go to any tool store to acquire this item. Most computers use Phillips screwdriver, but if you have one of those generic computer that sometimes use a flat head, then you should purchase one of those. You now have all the necessary materials needed to start the installation. The next major step to installing a modem is to secure it inside the computer and prepare it for use. Before actually starting, make sure the power of the computer is turned off and that it isnt plugged in. if the computer had been left on, turn it off, unplug it, and wait a few minutes. This will cause the circuits inside the computer to discharge their electricity. After this step is completed, the ne...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Aspects of ICT

Aspects of ICT Introduction Development of computers in the modern society and associated with it computerization of education is characterized by a massive proliferation of information and communication technologies (ICTs). ICT can be used for information exchange and interaction between a teacher and a pupil in the modern education system. As such, not only the teacher must master the ICT technology, but also to be an expert in applying it in his or her professional activities. â€Å"It is a technological world in which children are often more comfortable than their parents and teachers†.[1] Computerization of educational achieves two strategic objectives. First, it improves the efficiency of all types of educational activities through the use of ICT tools and technologies. Second, it improves the quality of training enhancing it with a new type of thinking which is relevant to the requirements of the information society. Using methods and means of information, future professionals must b e able to get answers as to what information resources are available, where they are, how they can be accessed and how they can be used to improve their professional activities. In our research paper we will cover the following aspects of ICT Positive and negative aspects of using information and communication technologies in general education Review the role and place of ICT in the building of the information society Review the areas of effective application of ICT tools Review methods of ICT application to address appropriate needs of the educational process, monitoring and measurement of learning outcomes, extracurricular activities and research, in primary school educational institutions Review requirements for ICT facilities Review the market of available ICT tools and products. What is ICT? Information and communication technologies (ICT) are a combination of the hardware and software designed to implement information processes through the utilization of the comp uters and network technologies. â€Å"The purpose of ICT in education is generally to familiarise students with the use and workings of computers, and related social and ethical issues†.[2] The main focus of the research however will be dedicated to the electronic means of educational purpose, which are a subset of software tools of ICT. These include application software and electronic media, specifically designed for the educational use: a system supporting the process of learning (electronic textbooks and encyclopaedias (including network), electronic laboratory etc.). There are several venues of ICT tools utilization in the education system: In general educational institutions (primary schools, high schools, etc.) In the supplementary education (instructor-led language schools, etc.) In home-based learning (extracurricular activities, etc.) To further narrow down the topic of the research the main accent will be applied to the area of general Primary school educat ion with emphasis on the general education of the primary education processes. According to Andrew A. Zucker who writes in his ‘Transforming Schools with Technology: How Smart Use of Digital Tools Helps Achieve Six Key Education Goals’ 2008, the ICT will be successful if technology is aligned with six major education goals. Those goals are to: increase student achievement make schools more engaging and relevant provide a high-quality education for all students attract, prepare, and retain high-quality teachers increase parental and community support for students outside of school require accountability for results ICT methods and techniques