Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Personal Identity Essay Example for Free

Individual Identity Essay Who am I? Descartes’ answer was just I am a psyche (aggregate res cogitans). Descartes showed up at this answer by thoughtfulness †by peering inside himself. David Hume offered a splendid evaluate of the possibility that one can discover one’s self through introspection.â â€Å"When I turn my appearance on myself, I never can see this self without somebody or more recognitions; nor can I ever see anything besides the observations. It is the sythesis of these, in this way, which shapes oneself. † (Treatise, Appendix) At the end of the day, we have no immediate information on or experience of oneself; we just know about specific sensations, recollections, thus on.â We should assume that there is something that underlies or packages together these sensations, and that is oneself. Individual Identity At the point when scholars talk about â€Å"personal identity,† they are asking how two unmistakable people can be the equivalent. Lets have people an and b. Assume a = you (matured 16) and b = you (now).â What causes you to continue as before individual? You are a similar individual after some time since you have a similar soul (dualism), likewise, if and just in the event that you approach a similar store of recollections, if there is a coherence of your living being (Animalism) and if and just on the off chance that you have a similar mind see after some time.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on Plessy V. Ferguson

Plessy v. Ferguson, a significant instance of 1896 wherein the Supreme Court of the United States maintained the legitimateness of racial isolation. At the hour of the decision, isolation among blacks and whites previously existed in many schools, cafés, and other open offices in the American South. In the Plessy choice, the Supreme Court decided that such isolation didn't abuse the fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. This revision gives equivalent assurance of the law to all U.S. residents, paying little heed to race. The court decided in Plessy that racial isolation was legitimate as long as the different offices for blacks and whites were â€Å"equal.† This â€Å"separate yet equal† teaching, as it came to be known, was just in part executed after the choice. Railroad vehicles, schools, and other open offices in the South were made independent, yet they were seldom made equivalent (Postema). Following the American Civil War finished in April 1865 the Southern states started to isolate blacks from whites in schools and other open offices. Reproduction, a time of modifying in the American South that kept going from the finish of 1865 to 1877, put a brief stop to these arrangements in certain spots. Blacks had won enough political force in the South during Reconstruction to forestall the section of enactment intended to deny them access to open offices. Likewise, after the Civil War the national government stayed focused on maintaining probably some level of racial reasonableness. Nonetheless, in any event, during Reconstruction, most Southern schools were isolated and blacks were regularly compelled to utilize lacking open offices. After 1877 whites increased more noteworthy political control and inevitably all out political predominance of the South, and the national government did little to stop the declining predicament of Southern blacks. Therefore, isolation bit by bi t spread (Nieman). By the mid-1890s railroad vehicles and different types of publ... Free Essays on Plessy V. Ferguson Free Essays on Plessy V. Ferguson Plessy v. Ferguson, a significant instance of 1896 wherein the Supreme Court of the United States maintained the legitimateness of racial isolation. At the hour of the decision, isolation among blacks and whites previously existed in many schools, eateries, and other open offices in the American South. In the Plessy choice, the Supreme Court decided that such isolation didn't disregard the fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. This correction gives equivalent insurance of the law to all U.S. residents, paying little heed to race. The court decided in Plessy that racial isolation was legitimate as long as the different offices for blacks and whites were â€Å"equal.† This â€Å"separate yet equal† regulation, as it came to be known, was just somewhat executed after the choice. Railroad vehicles, schools, and other open offices in the South were made independent, yet they were once in a while made equivalent (Postema). Following the American Civil War finished in April 1865 the Southern states started to isolate blacks from whites in schools and other open offices. Recreation, a time of reconstructing in the American South that kept going from the finish of 1865 to 1877, put a brief stop to these strategies in certain spots. Blacks had won enough political force in the South during Reconstruction to forestall the section of enactment intended to deny them access to open offices. Additionally, after the Civil War the national government stayed focused on maintaining probably some level of racial reasonableness. Be that as it may, in any event, during Reconstruction, most Southern schools were isolated and blacks were regularly compelled to utilize deficient open offices. After 1877 whites increased more noteworthy political control and in the long run all out political predominance of the South, and the national government did little to stop the compounding predicament of Southern blacks. Therefore, isolation bit by bit spread (Nieman). By the mid-1890s railroad vehicles and different types of publ...

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

College Essay Checkups 2017 - Admissions Essay Experts

College Essay Checkups 2017 - Admissions Essay Experts College Essay Checkups 2017 College Essay Checkups 2017 We all need a little TLC sometimes, even our essays. If you’re anything like me, after you stare at your essay for too long, it all but turns into hieroglyphics. It is no longer beautifully crafted sentences diving into overarching themes and humorous anecdotes. It is words on a page and you’re sick and tired of staring at it, waiting for it to tell you what you need to do to make it perfect. Well, I’m here to tell you that you can save and close. College Essay Advisors is coming to the rescue with an expert pair of fresh eyes to tell you how, where, and why to add, subtract, and tweak parts of your essay! Call or email us today to find out more about pricing and book a spot in our schedule for a College Essay Checkup! The College Essay Checkup includes: An expert’s opinion and advice on the content, structure, and grammar in your essay. A follow-up review to ensure your corrections were on point. A virtual ice cream cone for all of your hard work!   Think you need more than just a checkup? Think your essay has come down with something more serious? Dont worry! We have a full staff of essay doctors on standby waiting to revive your essays. Whether you need help from the beginning of the process (brainstorming can be a challenge, we know) or turning your golden idea into a workable outline we can help. But, Doctor, my essay is fine! Its my resume that needs surgery! We can help with that too! We have scalpels, gauze, and tweezers (okay, maybe Ive played Operation one too many times), but we really can point you in the right direction. If your resume isnt giving admissions a clear idea of your leadership skills, its not ready to submit. About CEA HQView all posts by CEA HQ » Ready to get started? We can't wait! CONTACT US »

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Wounded Knee Massacre

The massacre of hundreds of Native Americans at Wounded Knee in South Dakota on December 29, 1890, marked a particularly tragic milestone in American history. The killing of mostly unarmed men, women, and children, was the last major encounter between the Sioux and U.S. Army troops, and it could be viewed as the end of the Plains Wars. The violence at Wounded Knee was rooted in the federal governments reaction to the ghost dance movement, in which a religious ritual centered around dancing became a potent symbol of defiance to white rule. As the ghost dance spread to Indian reservations throughout the West, the federal government began to regard it as a major threat and sought to suppress it. The tensions between whites and Indians greatly increased, especially as federal authorities began to fear that the legendary Sioux medicine man Sitting Bull was about to become involved in the ghost dance movement. When Sitting Bull was killed while being arrested on December 15, 1890, the Sioux in South Dakota became fearful. Overshadowing the events of late 1890 were decades of conflicts between whites and Indians in the West. But one event, the massacre at the Little Bighorn of Col. George Armstrong Custer and his troops in June 1876 resonated most deeply. The Sioux in 1890 suspected that commanders in the U.S. Army felt a need to avenge Custer. And that made the Sioux especially suspicious of actions taken by soldiers who came to confront them over the ghost dance movement. Against that backdrop of mistrust, the eventual massacre at Wounded Knee arose out of a series of misunderstandings. On the morning of the massacre, it was unclear who fired the first shot. But once the shooting began, the U.S. Army troops cut down unarmed Indians with no restraint. Even artillery shells were fired at Sioux women and children who were seeking safety and running from the soldiers. In the aftermath of the massacre, the Army commander on the scene, Col. James Forsyth, was relieved of his command. However, an Army inquiry cleared him within two months, and he was restored to his command. The massacre, and the forcible rounding up of Indians following it crushed any resistance to white rule in the West. Any hope the Sioux or other tribes had of being able to restore their way of life was obliterated. And life on the detested reservations became the plight of the American Indian. The Wounded Knee massacre faded into history, but a book published in 1971, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, became a surprise bestseller and brought the name of the massacre back to public awareness. The book by Dee Brown, a narrative history of the West told from the Indian point of view, struck a chord in America at a time of national skepticism and is widely considered a classic. And Wounded Knee came back in the news in 1973, when American Indian activists, as an act of civil disobedience, took over the site in a standoff with federal agents. Roots of the Conflict The ultimate confrontation at Wounded Knee was rooted in the movement of the 1880s to force Indians in the West onto government reservations. Following the defeat of Custer, the U.S. military was fixated on defeating any Indian resistance to forced resettlement. Sitting Bull, one of the most respected Sioux leaders, led a band of followers across the international border into Canada. The British government of Queen Victoria allowed them to live there and did not persecute them in any way. Yet conditions were very difficult, and Sitting Bull and his people eventually returned to South Dakota. In the 1880s, Buffalo Bill Cody, whose exploits in the West had become famous through dime novels, recruited Sitting Bull to join his famous Wild West Show. The show traveled extensively, and Sitting Bull was a huge attraction. After a few years of enjoying fame in the white world, Sitting Bull returned to South Dakota and life on a reservation. He was regarded with considerable respect by the Sioux. The Ghost Dance The ghost dance movement began with a member of the Paiute tribe in Nevada. Wovoka, who claimed to have religious visions, began preaching after recovering from a serious illness in early 1889. He claimed that God had revealed to him that a new age was about to dawn on earth. According to Wovoka’s prophecies, game which had been hunted to extinction would return, and Indians would restore their culture, which had been essentially destroyed during the decades of conflict with white settlers and soldiers. Part of Wovoka’s teaching involved the practice of ritual dancing. Based on older round dances performed by Indians, the ghost dance had some special characteristics. It was generally performed over a series of days. And special attire, which became known as ghost dance shirts, would be worn. It was believed that those wearing the ghost dance would be protected against harm, including bullets fired by U.S. Army soldiers. As the ghost dance spread throughout western Indian reservations, officials in the federal government became alarmed. Some white Americans argued that the ghost dance was essentially harmless and was a legitimate exercise of religious freedom. Others in the government saw malicious intent behind the ghost dancing. The practice was seen as a way to energize Indians to resist white rule. And by late 1890 the authorities in Washington began giving orders for the U.S. Army to be ready to take action to suppress the ghost dance. Sitting Bull Targeted In 1890 Sitting Bull was living, along with a few hundred other Hunkpapa Sioux, at the Standing Rock reservation in South Dakota. He had spent time in a military prison and had also toured with Buffalo Bill, but he seemed to have settled down as a farmer. Still, he always seemed in rebellion to the rules of the reservation and was perceived by some white administrators as a potential source of trouble. The U.S. Army began sending troops into South Dakota in November 1890, planning to suppress the ghost dance and the rebellious movement it seemed to represent. The man in charge of the Army in the area, General Nelson Miles, came up with a plan to get Sitting Bull to surrender peacefully, at which point he could be sent back to prison. Miles wanted Buffalo Bill Cody to approach Sitting Bull and essentially lure him into surrendering. Cody apparently traveled to South Dakota, but the plan fell apart and Cody left and returned to Chicago. Army officers decided to use Indians who were working as policemen on the reservation to arrest Sitting Bull. A detachment of 43 tribal police officers arrived at Sitting Bull’s log cabin on the morning of December 15, 1890. Sitting Bull agreed to go with the officers, but some of his followers, who were generally described as ghost dancers, tried to intervene. An Indian shot the commander of the police, who raised his own weapon to return fire and accidentally wounded Sitting Bull. In the confusion, Sitting Bull was then fatally shot by another officer. The outbreak of gunfire brought a charge by a detachment of soldiers who had been positioned nearby in case of trouble. Witnesses to the violent incident recalled a peculiar spectacle: a show horse which had been presented to Sitting Bull years earlier by Buffalo Bill heard the gunfire and must have thought it was back in the Wild West Show. The horse began performing intricate dance moves as the violent scene unfolded. The Massacre The killing of Sitting Bull was national news. The New York Times, on December 16, 1890, published a story at the top of the front page headlined â€Å"The Last of Sitting Bull.† The sub-headlines said he had been killed while resisting arrest. In South Dakota, the death of Sitting Bull stoked fear and distrust. Hundreds of his followers departed the Hunkpapa Sioux camps and began to scatter. One band, led by the chief Big Foot, began traveling to meet up with one of the old chiefs of the Sioux, Red Cloud. It was hoped Red Cloud should protect them from the soldiers. As the group, a few hundred men, women, and children, moved through the harsh winter conditions, Big Foot became quite ill. On December 28, 1890, Big Foot and his people were intercepted by cavalry troopers. An officer in the Seventh Cavalry, Major Samuel Whitside, met with Big Foot under a flag of truce. Whitside assured Big Foot his people would not be harmed. And he made arrangements for Big Foot to travel in an Army wagon, as he was suffering from pneumonia. The cavalry was going to escort the Indians with Big Foot to a reservation. That night the Indians set up camp, and the soldiers set up their bivouacs nearby. At some point in the evening another cavalry force, commanded by Col. James Forsyth, arrived on the scene. The new group of soldiers was accompanied by an artillery unit. On the morning of December 29, 1890, the U.S. Army troops told the Indians to gather in a group. They were ordered to surrender their weapons. The Indians stacked up against their guns, but the soldiers suspected they were hiding more weapons. Soldiers began searching the Sioux tepees. Two rifles were found, one of which belonged to an Indian named Black Coyote, who was probably deaf. Black Coyote refused to give up his Winchester, and in a confrontation with him, a shot was fired. The situation quickly accelerated as soldiers began shooting at the Indians. Some of the male Indians drew knives and faced the soldiers, believing that the ghost dance shirts they were wearing would protect them from bullets. They were shot down. As Indians, including many women and children, tried to flee, the soldiers continued firing. Several artillery pieces, which had been positioned on a nearby hill, began to rake the fleeing Indians. The shells and shrapnel killed and wounded scores of people. The entire massacre lasted for less than an hour. It was estimated that about 300 to 350 Indians were killed. Casualties among the cavalry amounted to 25 dead and 34 wounded. It was believed most of the killed and wounded among the U.S. Army troops had been caused by friendly fire. Wounded Indians were taken on wagons to the Pine Ridge reservation, where Dr. Charles Eastman, who had been born a Sioux and educated at schools in the East, sought to treat them. Within days, Eastman traveled with a group to the massacre site to search for survivors. They did find some Indians who were miraculously still alive. But they also discovered hundreds of frozen corpses, some as many as two miles away. Most of the bodies were gathered by soldiers and buried in a mass grave. Reaction to the Massacre In the East, the massacre at Wounded Knee was portrayed as a battle between â€Å"hostiles† and soldiers. Stories on the front page of the New York Times in the final days of 1890 gave the Army version of events. Though the number of people killed, and the fact that many were women and children, created interest in official circles. Accounts told by Indian witnesses were reported and appeared in newspapers. On February 12, 1890, an article in the New York Times was headlined â€Å"Indians Tell Their Story.† The sub-headline read, â€Å"A Pathetic Recital of the Killing of Women and Children.† The article gave witness accounts and ended with a chilling anecdote. According to a minister at one of the churches at the Pine Ridge reservation, one of the Army scouts told him he had heard an officer say, after the massacre, â€Å"Now we have avenged Custer’s death.† The Army launched an investigation of what happened, and Col. Forsyth was relieved of his command, but he was quickly cleared. A story in the New York Times on February 13, 1891, was headlined â€Å"Col. Forsyth Exonerated.† The sub-headlines read â€Å"His Action at Wounded Knee Justified† and â€Å"The Colonel Restored to Command of His Gallant Regiment.† Legacy of Wounded Knee After the massacre at Wounded Knee, the Sioux came to accept that resistance to white rule was futile. The Indians came to live on the reservations. The massacre itself faded into history. In the early 1970s, the name of Wounded Knee came to take on resonance, largely due to Dee Brown’s book. A native American resistance movement put a new focus on the massacre as a symbol of broken promises and betrayals by white America.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Definitions of Middle School Essay Topics List

Definitions of Middle School Essay Topics List After you choose a topic, you should reply to the query and substantiate your response with three or more motivations as to why you think like that. You may still choose from a broad assortment of different topics. The topic also needs to be unique. There are a few great topics to look at when deciding on a topic for your argumentative essay. As an example, let's say you decide on the very first topic from our list. The last write-up needs to be concise with firm language. Establish a meeting instead. Graduates from other schools offer. As a student you should have the interest to work on a specific topic and excel in the exact same. Sometimes teachers give individual topics to every student, and at times they don't. In the majority of instances, your lecturers may pick the topic for you already. You could possibly be offered a list of essay prompts to pick from. Usually Middle school essays topics are made to concentrate very specifically on a single story or maybe to delve into one definite topic. Thanks to the correct option of presentation style and a thorough understanding of the goals you wish to attain in your essay, there are plenty of categories essay themes may be broken into. In lots of ways, an informative essay is among the simplest kinds of academic paper to write. Writing a great essay might be a bit of cake if you're feeling inspired. Words are in reality scary to illiterate folks. Brainstorm thoughts and make notes. If you are pleased with the amount of your knowledge on a specific subject, hen you may safely consider it as the topic for your essay. 1 thing to remember, nevertheless, is the old saying every talk is a work talk. After you have the topic, answer the question and support your answer with three or more explanations for why you believe it. Related to the point above, no matter how much you know about your topic, there's much more that you don't know. In brief, you can't fail by making the suitable introduction to your quote. At times, you would need to be concise with your quotes. Don't depart from your quote hanging! For instance, a quote in a quote employs a single quotation mark. The Basics of Middle School Essay Topics List In the unlikely event you aren't in any way happy with your paper, we provide a guarantee to rewrite it free of charge, provided that you're able to reveal that the writer did not fulfil your initial specifications. You must find specific textbooks and internet information that focus on persuasive writing so you do not involve irrelevant things. Welcome to stay in touch by means of your paper writer controlling everything. For this reason, you don't necessarily must have any exceptional writing skills, you merely will need in order to logically order any data which you provide. If reading an example you've got a wish to discover more about the objects' comparison, then its author has done a suitable job. Actually, so as to help you whilst writing the work, it is sometimes a fantastic notion to create a thorough plan beforehand. F. Bacon The main intention of the capital isn't to get as much money as possible, yet to guarantee that money produces a better life. Presenting a couple of years, as part of spending time income argumentative essay.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

B.F. Skinner’s Contribution to Psychology Free Essays

B. F. Skinner’s Contribution to Modern Psychology Ian K. We will write a custom essay sample on B.F. Skinner’s Contribution to Psychology or any similar topic only for you Order Now Connelly Oklahoma State University B. F. Skinner’s Contribution to Modern Psychology As I began to study the history and beginning of psychology there was one man who stood out to me clearly as a powerful force of influence and contributor to the direction psychology has taken in its still very young life. What does it mean to be a major influential contributor to the science of psychology? This man shows us with his groundbreaking theories, inventions and experiments as well as his over 200 books and articles on the field of psychology. He is Burrhus Frederic Skinner and he is one of the reasons psychology is the profound and crucial science that it is today. (New World Encyclopedia contributors, 2008) B. F. Skinner was born in 1904 in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. His early life consisted of his efforts to become a fictional writer. He attended Hamilton College where he received a B. A. in English literature in 1926. Afterward he spent some time living with his parents attempting to write fictional books. Cherry, 2013) It was during this time that he began to wonder about how an author was supposed to understand the behaviors of the characters he portrayed without knowing what psychological processes and thoughts lie beneath. His research led him to discover the work of John Broadus Watson who proposed behaviorism for the first time. (Shacter, Gilbert Wegner, 2011) This seemed to interest him much more than fictional writing did so he applied for the psychology graduate program at Harvard University where he received a doctorate in experimental psychology in 1931. In 1936 he began his teaching career at Michigan University and was married in the same year. He finished his first book, â€Å"Behavior of Organisms† two years later. (Browse Biography, 2011) Throughout the rest of his life Skinner made breakthrough after breakthrough in the field of psychology and behaviorism. In 1945 he became the Psychology Department Chair at the University of Indiana and in 1948 joined the psychology department at Harvard where he remained for the rest of his life. (Cherry, 2013) Throughout his impressive career he received many more outstanding honors and awards such as the National Medal of Science, the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation Award and the Albert Einstein School of Medicine award for excellence in psychiatry as well as many more books and a few inventions. He eventually passed away in 1990 after contributing countless knowledge to the science of psychology. B. F. Skinner is perhaps best recognized for his study and contribution to a particular type of psychology called behaviorism. Behaviorism was first proposed by John Watson who believed that studying the private experience a person has in their mind was too hard of a thing to observe and speculate. He believed psychology had to be studied more as something an organism does that is physically observable by anyone watching. Watson, as well as Skinner, was influenced greatly by the experiments done by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov observed that the dogs he had were becoming accustomed to salivating at the sound of a bell he rang each time he fed them. Eventually he didn’t even have to have food to observe the dogs salivating every time he rang the bell because they had learned to respond a certain way to stimulus. The studies done by Pavlov as well as the work of Watson built the foundation upon which Skinner based the rest of his career in the field of psychology. Skinner observed that in the wild, animals have learned ways to find shelter, food and mates all because they have been conditioned by stimuli to do so. He famously tested this theory by inventing something called an â€Å"operant conditioning chamber†. In this chamber he placed a rat and fixed a lever so that when the rat pressed on the lever it received a pellet of food. He found that after a short time in the chamber, the rat learned that he was given food each time he pressed the lever so he began pressing it over and over until he was no longer hungry. This experiment furthered his approach towards behaviorism and also added to what Watson had proposed. (Shacter, Gilbert Wegner, 2011) Also slightly contrary to what Watson and Pavlov believed, he proposed that the behavior of an organism did not depend upon the preceding stimulus but on the reward that occurred after the behavior took place. Cherry, 2013) This led Skinner to state in his book, â€Å"The Behavior of Organisms†, what he called the principle of reinforcement. Reinforcement basically stated that when an organism does something that causes it to benefit in some way, it is likely to repeat the action in order to receive the benefit again. This allows organisms to adapt to their environments and the conditions they live in, in order to survive. (Shacter, Gilbert Wegner, 2011) Ski nner went on to use his ability to invent and his interest in behaviorism to try and benefit society in many different ways. He invented such things as the â€Å"Air crib† which was an enclosed chamber to put a baby inside that would allow you to closely monitor and modify the temperature and humidity of the environment. Unfortunately this didn’t quite catch on after people started to compare it to his earlier invention, the operant conditioning chamber, and wonder whether or not it was too cruel for a child. Another quite interesting invention that he proposed was a pigeon guided missile. During world war two, before the U. S. Navy had a practical way to guide a missile, Skinner found an interesting, almost unbelievable method to guide the missiles. He proposed they incased pigeons within parts of the missile. The pigeons would have a screen in front of them showing the view in front of the missile and they would be able to peck towards the target, therefore guiding the missile in that direction. Amazingly this idea proved to be successful in testing, however, the military found it too eccentric and impractical to be used and never took the idea seriously. (New World Encyclopedia contributors, 2008) Not only was Skinner known for his strange, ingenious inventions but he was also known for proposing an idea which gained him much criticism. In his books â€Å"Beyond Freedom and Dignity† and â€Å"Walden II† Skinner talked about a society completely controlled via behaviorism principles such as reinforcement. Theoretically this society would be made perfect using scientific planning to reinforce all the individuals do behave in the correct ways. In these books he claimed that free will is subjective and only an illusion because we are all accustomed to behaving in the ways we do because we have been reinforced by society over the years to behave that way. This was not a popular statement among critics who said he was giving away humanities free will and thought his goal was to use his science to manipulate people. These claims seemed to be taken to the extreme however; Skinner merely meant to emphasize the importance reinforcement could have on society. (Shacter, Gilbert Wegner, 2011) Although behaviorism is no longer looked at as the most important way to view psychology, Skinner had a great impact on society and what we know as psychology today. His work with the conditioning chamber is still considered vital information to psychology today. Professionals in the field of mental health still use his operant techniques today on their clients. (Cherry, 2013) The information in his book â€Å"Verbal Behavior† is still a topic of interest in experimental and applied settings currently. (New World Encyclopedia contributors, 2008) Even teachers and animal trainers use his concept of reinforcement and punishment every day to shape the way kids in their classroom or the animals they train behave. (Cherry, 2013) In a 2002 survey, Skinner was voted to be the number one most influential psychologist of the 20th century by psychologists. His honors, awards, positions, titles and honorary degrees are almost too numerous to even count. I think the evidence as well as the opinions of other psychologists show just how much of an impact this man made on the psychological science. There is no doubt psychology is the science that intro to psych students such as myself are learning about today because of the numerous contributions and influence of B. F. Skinner. (Shacter, Gilbert Wegner, 2011) References Browse Biography. (2011, January 25). B. f. skinner biography. Retrieved from http://www. browsebiography. com/bio-b_f_skinner. html Cherry, K. (2013). B. f. skinner biography (1904-1990) . Retrieved from http://psychology. about. com/od/profilesofmajorthinkers/p/bio_skinner. htm New World Encyclopedia contributors. (2008, April 4). B. f. skinner. Retrieved from http://www. newworldencyclopedia. org/p/index. php? title=B. _F. _Skinneroldid=687766 Shacter, D. , Gilbert, D. , Wegner, D. (2011). Psychology. (2nd ed. , pp. 16-18). New York, NY: Worth Publishers. How to cite B.F. Skinner’s Contribution to Psychology, Papers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The 4p Applied by Coca-Cola Company Essay Example

The 4p Applied by Coca-Cola Company Essay Title: The 4P applied by the Coca- Cola Company. 1. 0 Company Overview Coca-Cola history began in 1886 when the curiosity of an Atlanta pharmacist, Dr. John S. Pemberton, led him to create a distinctive tasting soft drink that could be sold at soda fountains. He created a flavoured syrup, took it to his neighbourhood pharmacy, where it was mixed with carbonated water and deemed excellent by those who sampled it. Dr. Pembertons partner and bookkeeper, Frank M. Robinson, is credited with naming the beverage Coca-Cola as well as designing the trademarked, distinct script, still used today. Picture 1: Dr. John S. Pemberton Prior to his death in 1888, just two years after creating what was to become the worlds number 1 selling sparkling beverage, Dr. Pemberton sold portions of his business to various parties, with the majority of the interest sold to Atlanta businessman, Asa G. Candler. Under Mr. Candlers leadership, distribution of Coca-Cola expanded to soda fountains beyond Atlanta. In 1894, impressed by the growing demand for Coca-Cola and the desire to make the beverage portable, Joseph Biedenharn installed bottling machinery in the rear of his Mississippi soda fountain, becoming the first to put Coca-Cola in bottles. Large scale bottling was made possible just five years later, when in 1899, three enterprising businessmen in Chattanooga, Tennessee secured exclusive rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola. The three entrepreneurs purchased the bottling rights from Asa Candler for just $1. Benjamin Thomas, Joseph Whitehead and John Lupton developed what became the Coca-Cola worldwide bottling system. 2. 0 Product Description Coca- Cola Company comes out with plenty of product variations from the years it is invented until now. We will write a custom essay sample on The 4p Applied by Coca-Cola Company specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The 4p Applied by Coca-Cola Company specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The 4p Applied by Coca-Cola Company specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The most popular product is the original version of Coca- Cola, this is the key products for Coca-Cola company. Besides that there is plenty others product developed by Coca-Cola Company based on the demand, here is the top Coca-Cola products sell all around the world: Name| Launched| Discontinued| Notes| Picture| Coca-Cola| 1886| Present| The original version of Coca-Cola. | | Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola| 1983| Present| The caffeine free version of Coca-Cola. | | Coca-Cola Cherry| 1985| Present| Was available in Canada starting in 1996. Called Cherry Coca-Cola (Cherry Coke) in North America until 2006. | | New Coke/Coca-Cola II| 1985| 2002| Was still available in Yap and American Samoa| | Coca-Cola with Lemon| 2001| 2005| Available in:Australia, American Samoa, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Denmark, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, Korea, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Reunion, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia, United Kingdom, United States, and West Bank-Gaza. | Coca-Cola Vanilla| 2002; 2007| Present| Available in: Austria, Australia, China, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Malaysia, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States. It was reintroduced in June 2007 by popular demand. | | Coca-Cola with Lime| 2005| Present| Available in Belgium, Netherlands, Singapore, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. | Coca-Cola Raspberry| 2006| Middle of 2007| Was replaced by Vanilla Coke in June 2007| | Coca-Cola Blak| 2006| Beginning of 2008| Only available in the United States, France, Canada, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Lithuania| | Coca-Cola Citra| 2006| Present| Only available in Bosnia and Herzegovina, New Zealand and Japan. | | Coca-Cola Orange| 2007| Present| Was available in the United Kingdom and Gibraltar for a limited time. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland its sold under the label Mezzo Mix. Currently available in Coca-Cola Freestyle fountain outlets in the United States since 2009. | | Beside of products variation, every Coca-Cola products must come with their official logo. The famous Coca-Cola logo was created by John Pembertons bookkeeper, Frank Mason Robinson, in 1885. Robinson came up with the name and chose the logos distinctive cursive script. The typeface used, known as Spencerian script, was developed in the mid-19th century and was the dominant form of formal handwriting in the United States during that period. Robinson also played a significant role in early Coca-Cola advertising. His promotional suggestions to Pemberton included giving away thousands of free drink coupons and plastering the city of Atlanta with publicity banners and streetcar signs. Picture 2: Coca-Cola official logo. 3. 0 Pricing Strategies At United State, pricing strategies is the major factor contributing to the growth of the company in order to keep Coca-Cola as the leading brand for carbonated soft drinks. In November 2009, due to a dispute over wholesale prices of Coca-Cola products, Costco stopped restocking its shelves with Coke and Diet Coke. However, some Costco locations (such as the ones in Tucson, Arizona), sell imported Coca-Cola from Mexico. Coca-Cola introduced the 7. 5-ounce mini-can in 2009, and on September 22, 2011, the company announced price reductions, asking retailers to sell eight-packs for $2. 99. That same day, Coca-Cola announced the 12. 5-ounce bottle, to sell for 89 cents. A 16-ounce bottle has sold well at 99 cents since being re-introduced, but the price was going up to $1. 19. In 2012, Coca-Cola would resume business in Myanmar after 60 years of absence due to U. S. -imposed investment sanctions against the country. Coca-Cola with its partners is to invest USD 5 billion in its operations in India by 2020. In Malaysia Coca-cola products come with 3 sizes. It can be bought as low as RM 1. 70 per can (325ml), for 500ml bottles it can be bought at RM 2. 50 average, and for the 1. 5L bottle the price is between RM 3. 50 – 4. 00. 4. 0 Promotional Element Used. The first marketing efforts in Coca-Cola history were executed through coupons promoting free samples of the beverage. Considered an innovative tactic back in 1887, couponing was followed by newspaper advertising and the distribution of promotional items bearing the Coca-Cola script to participating pharmacies. Coca-Colas advertising has significantly affected American culture, and it is frequently credited with inventing the modern image of Santa Claus as an old man in a red-and-white suit. Although the company did start using the red-and-white Santa image in the 1930s, with its winter advertising campaigns illustrated by Haddon Sundblom, the motif was lready common. Coca-Cola was not even the first soft drink company to use the modern image of Santa Claus in its advertising: White Rock Beverages used Santa in advertisements for its ginger ale in 1923, after first using him to sell mineral water in 1915. Before Santa Claus, Coca-Cola relied on images of smartly dressed young women to sell its beverages. Coca-Colas first such advertisement appeared in 1895, featuring the young Bostonian actress Hilda Clark as its spokeswoman. 4. 1 Holiday campaigns The Holidays are coming! advertisement features a train of red delivery trucks, emblazoned with the Coca-Cola name and decorated with Christmas lights, driving through a snowy landscape and causing everything that they pass to light up and people to watch as they pass through. The advertisement fell into disuse in 2001, as the Coca-Cola Company restructured its advertising campaigns so that advertising around the world was produced locally in each country, rather than centrally in the companys headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2007, the company brought back the campaign, according to the company many consumers telephoned its information centre saying that they considered it to mark the beginning of Christmas. The advertisement was created by U. S. advertising agency Doner, and has been part of the companys global advertising campaign for many years. 4. 2 Sports sponsorship Coca-Cola was the first commercial sponsor of the Olympic games, at the 1928 games in Amsterdam, and has been an Olympics sponsor ever since. This corporate sponsorship included the 1996 Summer Olympics hosted in Atlanta, which allowed Coca-Cola to spotlight its hometown. Most recently, Coca-Cola has released localized commercials for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver; one Canadian commercial referred to Canadas hockey heritage and was modified after Canada won the gold medal game on February 28, 2010 by changing the ending line of the commercial to say Now they know whose game theyre playing. Since 1978, Coca-Cola has sponsored the FIFA World Cup, and other competitions organised by FIFA. One FIFA tournament trophy, the FIFA World Youth Championship from Tunisia in 1977 to Malaysia in 1997, was called FIFA  Ã¢â‚¬â€ Coca Cola Cup. In addition, Coca-Cola sponsors the annual Coca-Cola 600 and Coke Zero 400 for the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series at Charlotte Motor Speedway in Concord, North Carolina and Daytona International Speedway in Daytona, Florida. 4. 3 In mass media Fast forward to the 1970s when Coca-Colas advertising started to reflect a brand connected with fun, friends and good times. Many fondly remember the 1971 Hilltop Singers performing Id Like to Buy the World a Coke, or the 1979 Have a Coke and a Smile commercial featuring a young fan giving Pittsburgh Steeler, Mean Joe Greene, a refreshing bottle of Coca-Cola. You can enjoy these and many more advertising campaigns from around the world in the â€Å"Perfect Pauses Theatre† at the World of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola has been prominently featured in countless films and television programs. Since its creation, it remains as one of the most important elements of the popular culture. It was a major plot element in films such as One, Two, Three, The Coca-Cola Kid, and The Gods Must Be Crazy among many others. It provides a setting for comical corporate shenanigans in the novel Syrup by Maxx Barry. And in music, in The Beatles song, Come Together, the lyrics said, He shoot Coca-Cola, he say . The Beach Boys also referenced Coca-Cola in their 1964 song All Summer Long (i. e. Member when you spilled Coke all over your blouse? Also, the best selling artist of all time and worldwide cultural icon, Elvis Presley, promoted Coca-Cola during his last tour of 1977. The Coca-Cola Company used Elvis image to promote the product. For example, the company used a song performed by Presley, A Little Less Conversation, in a Japanese Coca-Cola commercial. 5. 0 Place and The Products / Service Are Delivered To Customer. Coca-Cola as the number 1 carbonated soft drinks throughout all the nati ons, this soft drink sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines in every country except Cuba and North Korea. Example like Malaysia, Coca-Cola products can be purchased at all 7Eleven stores throughout this country 24hours per day. To make these products consistently at market, Coca-Cola Company come with idea to setup factory at the selected country for produce their products, called as franchised production model. The actual production and distribution of Coca-Cola follows a franchising model. The Coca-Cola Company only produces a syrup concentrate, which it sells to bottlers throughout the world, who hold Coca-Cola franchises for one or more geographical areas. The bottlers produce the final drink by mixing the syrup with filtered water and sweeteners, and then carbonate it before putting it in cans and bottles, which the bottlers then sell and distribute to retail stores, vending machines, restaurants and food service distributors. The Coca-Cola Company owns minority shares in some of its largest franchises, such as Coca-Cola Enterprises, Coca-Cola Amatil, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company and Coca-Cola FEMSA, but fully independent bottlers produce almost half of the volume sold in the world. Independent bottlers are allowed to sweeten the drink according to local tastes. The bottling plant in Skopje, Macedonia, received the 2009 award for Best Bottling Company. 6. 0 Conclusion. Coca-Cola has been criticized for alleged adverse health effects, its aggressive marketing to children, exploitative labour practices, high levels of pesticides in its products, building plants in Nazi Germany which employed slave labour, environmental destruction, monopolistic business practices, and hiring paramilitary units to murder trade union leaders. In October 2009, in an effort to improve their image, Coca-Cola partnered with the American Academy of Family Physicians, providing a $500,000 grant to help promote healthy-lifestyle education; the partnership spawned sharp criticism of both Coca-Cola and the AAFP by physicians and nutritionists. Even though have been criticized by media, nutritionists, doctors and many parties, actually Coca-Cola Company are contributing to the growth of the country that they put their factory. As the giant player in carbonated soft drinks, Coca-Cola Company have build up their strong marketing strategies for many decades and they learned from past experience that make what they as today. Besides that the implementation of the 4P highlighted in this discussion is the key factor that makes them bigger, stronger and relevance all this time. In my opinion if anyone wants to setup a company for any industries, Coca-Cola Company experience, discipline and marketing strategies can be the best example to become a successful player in any businesses you entered.